Hackers embed flashing animations on epilepsy support forum

bzzt, wrong. it's hilarious regardless of who anybody knows that happens to be epileptic.

yeah, thats probably because you've never had to hold your friend down while he tenses so hard you can hear his joints crack, watch his eyes roll back in his head, see him foam at the mouth and have to keep him on his side or put something in his mouth so he doesnt bite or swallow his tongue for 10-15 minutes at a time with no warning.
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it freaks me out the way the internet is apparently becoming (more and more) a place for all of life's friendless losers to congregate and applaud each others sad attempts at revenge on the world. groups of sniggering nerds always turned me off, and now they are monopolizing the internet. you know the types... they wear shirts that say things like "you laugh at me because i'm different; i laugh at you because you're all the same" or "you're just jealous because you don't hear the voices" or "I see dumb people". this is undoubtedly their attempt at mattering to someone.
yeah, thats probably because you've never had to hold your friend down while he tenses so hard you can hear his joints crack, watch his eyes roll back in his head, see him foam at the mouth and have to keep him on his side or put something in his mouth so he doesnt bite or swallow his tongue for 10-15 minutes at a time with no warning.

you should never make fun of anyone for anything ever again, if that's the case...otherwise you're a hypocrite.
tribalwar.com is apparently a place for all of life's friendless losers to congregate and applaud each others sad attempts at revenge on the world. groups of sniggering nerds always turned me off, and now they are monopolizing the internet. you know the types... they wear shirts that say things like "you laugh at me because i'm different; i laugh at you because you're all the same" or "you're just jealous because you don't hear the voices" or "I see dumb people". this is undoubtedly their attempt at mattering to someone.
Am I the only one who can't get into 4chan? I go there and its just a bunch of pictures with people posting about them. I don't get how they start these wars and shit.
you obviously don't know about the super secret hacker boards
yeah, thats probably because you've never had to hold your friend down while he tenses so hard you can hear his joints crack, watch his eyes roll back in his head, see him foam at the mouth and have to keep him on his side or put something in his mouth so he doesnt bite or swallow his tongue for 10-15 minutes at a time with no warning.

Actually I have, but I've only had to do that twice. And 10-15 mins at a time? That's crazy - longest I ever saw was 5 mins or so; any more than that and they need a trip to the hospital.
My sister really has epilepsy. It's hard to deal with, she has to take depakote twice a day and has insomnia because of the medicine yet if she does not get sleep she has seizures.

This isn't funny at all.
Actually I have, but I've only had to do that twice. And 10-15 mins at a time? That's crazy - longest I ever saw was 5 mins or so; any more than that and they need a trip to the hospital.

my buddy was a big thick neck farmboy. Not fat, just a big muscular grainfed redneck. When he would go into gran mau (sp?) it could go one of two ways. He would either 'lock up' and that was every muscle in his body hard locking, or he would kind flip out and not be able to control himself to the point that he would hurt himself or someone else. He was in my car once and went into a lockup so hard his legs straightened out and he instantly snapped the back of the seat down straight.

If you caught him when he was first starting it, you could get him down and lay across his body and probably be ok, but once he got going, he was so strong that it was like being in a fight.

he used to have a 'key fob' that was on his keychain made to put into his mouth so he could bite down on it and not swallow his tongue. It was a piece of hickory wrapped in leather. it was chewed all to hell and back