Guild Wars 2

This was overdue as well. But they shouldn't have put an internal CD on it. Where anet fucked up was this would give a stacking timer on the stealth granted, rather than refresh the timer on stealth. So if you fell 3-4 times in succession, you'd have like 15 seconds of stealth instead of 3-4 seconds.

I think every other "X happens when you fall" trait has a cooldown.
Detonate Mine Field: This skill is no longer a blast finisher.

I only used this a couple time and while it was a little op, but I wish they'd get around to fixing stuff instead of nerfing. Engineer still has a bunch of broken stuff, including our Big Ol Bomb which even though it says it's a blast finisher doesn't actually work as one currently.

Speed farming might be an issue but they should look at why it's happening. Maybe if the token requirements weren't ridiculous to begin with there'd be less motivation to try to "speed farm" these places (then just lower the silver rewards to keep people from farming just for gold).

Oh, well I'm not 80 yet and never got to run easy mode CoF (just hit 72 today). But I'm starting to I feel like by the time I do reach 80 almost every access to better gear that the current crop of 80s took advantage of will be completely nerfed.
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Now I understand why no stores have a copy of this game, they stopped shipping disks and digital sales because they didn't want to overwhelm the servers, digital sales are back up and they supposed to be shipping more copies to stores.
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I noticed yesterday that we seem to be dominating the other two servers in WvW

not that I can take any credit
I take all the credit.

Actually it's either an Oceanic contingent or a bunch of insomniacs. We don't do all that well during "prime time," but we go up by like 50k overnight.
I noticed yesterday that we seem to be dominating the other two servers in WvW

not that I can take any credit

Yeah some friends and I set up on Aspenwood Fort and we seem to dominate WvW. Not that I can help much, as 20ish I don't have the coin to throw down for siege blueprints or fortifying points.
Yeah some friends and I set up on Aspenwood Fort and we seem to dominate WvW. Not that I can help much, as 20ish I don't have the coin to throw down for siege blueprints or fortifying points.

Do the jumping puzzles in the WvW maps once a day. Each one will get you 2-3 blueprints. I have 4 alpha golems, a trebuchet, a quiver full of arrow carts, and a ballista or two, and I haven't spent a dime.
Now I understand why no stores have a copy of this game, they stopped shipping disks and digital sales because they didn't want to overwhelm the servers, digital sales are back up and they supposed to be shipping more copies to stores.

The retardedness of some gaming companies amazes me. The first 3 weeks for a game are critical, yet the *always* have server problems.

I guess this was a way around it, but it seems completely stupid to prevent a gameplay issue and avoid people not buying the game... by... *Not selling the game*.

For once, why doesn't a MMO company just buy enough damn servers to begin with?
Do the jumping puzzles in the WvW maps once a day. Each one will get you 2-3 blueprints. I have 4 alpha golems, a trebuchet, a quiver full of arrow carts, and a ballista or two, and I haven't spent a dime.

Which map are these on? The three Borderlands or the Eternia one? I completed exploring the home Borderlands but I have yet to venture into Eternia yet.
All of them. The borderlands jumping puzzle is the same on every borderlands map. The Eternal Battlegrounds puzzle is quite a bit different (and more complex). I do not suggest doing it unless your server is dominating in WvW or you have a decent group because you're likely to face a lot of opposition to finish it.

Also, I think it's hilarious how long people will chase you in WvW just to get a single kill. I think I ran this one guy around for about five minutes before he finally caught me (I was naked and on my lvl 20 guardian just running to check out the enemy borderlands jumping puzzle). I don't think I have much PvP spirit since in those same scenarios I usually give up chase almost immediately.
Well I explored all of the home Borderlands and 75% of the Eternal. Not sure exactly what the jumping puzzles are. Is there some indicator on where they are or are they just out there and unmarked?