Guess who's working at Red 5 studios

Wow. Ok. Let me answer a few questions...

Yes. I work at Red 5 Studios.

Red 5 Studios is a new game development studio working on a brand new MMO game of it's own creation.

I was hired last week to be the Community Manager for the project.

I can't give out any info on the game yet, but rest assured as soon as I can, you will all be informed promptly.

I'm not sure who hosts the site, but I will find out. If there's one thing I do know how to do it's how to make a site handle traffic on a budget. :)

Thank you for the support. I'm extremely excited about what we're putting together and I can't wait to share it.

Congratulations, Col.
Colosus you have no idea who I am however I am very jealous. I have been trying to get into the video game industry for a while but to no avail. Would love to chat some time! :D
hmmm... i actually have faith in this project for some reason... unlike others (like kirt shillings shitty mmo lol) :D
Colosus you have no idea who I am however I am very jealous. I have been trying to get into the video game industry for a while but to no avail. Would love to chat some time! :D

its called make indie games first... you'll go much farther than trying to shove a virgin dick down everyones hole :p:
col, can you make sure this mmo wont be a carebear elven pride parade like wow? i want something dark that requires actual skill.

my concern should be valid since these are the guys who made wow in the first place lol.
gm is only fun if you can play around with the people in the game like say an EQ gm. Or else you're just answering support tickets all day