Goodnight TW

very trying day. i am about to pass out and start over again as well

fuckk it
a trying day for veor is going up two flights of stairs and reaching the top shelf of his cabinet
dont make me drive to whatever shitty state you live in now and give you a second choke slam

i dont know if your woman-esque figure could handle it.
i dont think you can afford flying across the pacific, being a poor white trash redneck who is also really short and enormously fat

do you get winded from typing quickly?
yeahhh thats why i've been across the country three times since january 1

i am fucking liquid bitch.

did you finger yourself while you read your post back to yourself?
also: liquid sounds like some faggot-ass jersey shore bullshit

but please keep replying to me, im enjoying the fact that im keeping you awake and pissing you off. hopefully your tomorrow is even shittier than whatever inane redneck shit you did today :sunny:
yeah i just like fucking with veor because hes an easy target

im typically a pretty amiable guy
also: liquid sounds like some faggot-ass jersey shore bullshit

I'm talking about liquid. Rich enough to have your own jet. Rich enough not to waste time. Fifty, a hundred million dollars, buddy. A player. Or nothing.
