Good Morning!

People say that but heres the thing
1. Fasting is great for your body and mental clarity, that has been proven.

2. "fasting" is pretty much starvation. Ever seen a fat WWII POW? why didn't their bodies go into 'starvation mode' and hold back all THEIR nutrients in fat?

Just like people say 'you can't outrun a bad diet'....really what they mean is you cant outrun a bad diet without a tough constitution...again...look at POWs. You can go to places online and they show you what what served for 'food' in Japanese camps in the Philippines, and in Germany. Straight carbs in the form of rice and tubers like potatoes. The things that every low-carb guru says you should avoid...and again, have you ever seen a fat pow? Nope, because while they ate pretty much pure carb diets, they had the dogshit worked out of them every day. So yeah, you can outrun a bad diet, now whether or not you have the testicular fortitude to do so, well thats a different story.

You will never look like a POW. So yeah all this is great if you're trying to avoid the hardship of having to carry any muscle around and are only worried about scale weight and you're happy (sorry "have the testicular fortitude ") to be constantly miserable. Which you don't.
You will never look like a POW. So yeah all this is great if you're trying to avoid the hardship of having to carry any muscle around and are only worried about scale weight and you're happy (sorry "have the testicular fortitude ") to be constantly miserable. Which you don't.

Were you trying to make a point here or did you come up short?

get it?....

Now wasn't that easier than addressing my point? Well done you. As ever you double down on ignorance and that's why you're still a fat fuck. GG.
When puzzled, Juggs has goto responses:

If the person saying something he doesn't understand is:

Me: "Hitting the firewater again Van?"

Mitch-- "haha you're 67" inches tall only"

Blackpeople-- "Quiet, barkeep."

someone that is not American-- "worry about the problems in your own country, and keep your nose out of our politcs, kthx."

Those are his main standbys when challenged and he's unsure.
You didn't have a point, as usually just a bunch of garbage dribbling out of your brainpan, it brain pan? I don't know...what do you think midge?
When puzzled, Juggs has goto responses:

If the person saying something he doesn't understand is:

Me: "Hitting the firewater again Van?"

Mitch-- "haha you're 67" inches tall only"

Blackpeople-- "Quiet, barkeep."

someone that is not American-- "worry about the problems in your own country, and keep your nose out of our politcs, kthx."

Those are his main standbys when challenged and he's unsure.

Yeah, kinda like when someone tells you 'bless your heart', right?
I eat all kinds of foods and only a couple things are less than optimal.

Processed foods are the devil. You can eat vast amounts of fruits and vegetables and be fulfilled. I sometimes have 2 pounds of fruit in one sitting. (fruit doesn't count as a meal it's a cleanser)
You didn't have a point, as usually just a bunch of garbage dribbling out of your brainpan, it brain pan? I don't know...what do you think midge?

I had a point. Your failure to understand it is why you can't wipe your own ass without a rag on a stick, and why you won't go to an actual gym. See a pattern yet?
I eat all kinds of foods and only a couple things are less than optimal.

Processed foods are the devil. You can eat vast amounts of fruits and vegetables and be fulfilled. I sometimes have 2 pounds of fruit in one sitting. (fruit doesn't count as a meal it's a cleanser)

Juggs will tell you about fruit. Wait for it, it's an all-time classic :rofl:
About points, I already made mine, but thanks for hammering it home.

And tell me Lavan, do you think you're any different with your completely baseless low-key superior attitude you throw on everyone?

Or mitch, with his 'tragically dim gibberish' every time he knows he just got his ass handed to him with both hands.

Roll that around in your head for a bit, let me know how it comes out
Juggs, you are widely acknowledged by almost everyone in here as the dumbest motherfucker around, and you prove it on a daily basis on a variety of topics. Of course you can't see it. Probably just as well for your own mental health that you're incapable of suffering from embarrassment.