Good Morning!


Veteran XX
It is a gorgeous day.
Whats for breakfast?
6 egg-whites (pinch of cheese)
oatmeal w/banana and a tablespoon of honey
Coffee w/honey

Have an excellent day!
Busy for the first part of the morning, so

Half a cucumber with Parmigiano-reggiano wedge
5 handfuls of leftover popcorn from watching Hunger Games last night
Orange juice

Good morning :wave:
2 scrambled eggs with cheese, 2 slices of raisin toast with grape jelly and half a pot of coffee.

2 scrambled eggs with cheese, 2 slices of raisin toast with grape jelly and half a pot of coffee.


I envy the people that can drink coffee. I would like to drink coffee too, but I cannot get over the fact that it tastes like malted battery acid.
I envy the people that can drink coffee. I would like to drink coffee too, but I cannot get over the fact that it tastes like malted battery acid.

i feel the same way about eating cilantro.

would love to like it, but tastes like soap and battery acid

coffee is delicious, though. gg.
I envy the people that can drink coffee. I would like to drink coffee too, but I cannot get over the fact that it tastes like malted battery acid.

I can't stand artificial sweetener, even stevia. We tried something at Costco yesterday that had natural stevia leaf in it, left a terrible aftertaste in my mouth for an hour. I only tried it because the lady said no artificial sweeteners, I knew what it was as soon as I tasted it, pointed it out in the ingredients.
water, chocolate brownie


if my stomach would allow me to eat real breakfast, some kind of wrap like Juggs/Mitch described above would be my ideal I reckon
what kinda faggot eats egg whites? ur taking the best part of the egg out with all of the nutrients for some soyboy cuck low cholesterol diet