absent r u disappointed that centralized government monetary control over inflation and wealth reallocation is failing

i thought this is what u wanted bro
ITT a Nazi who thinks snow has no weight types stupid shit while coyotes yip and dance around the fire.
imagine thinking that centrally controlled modern monetary policy is actually free market capitalism :lol: :rofl:

dumb little socialist has no fuckin clue
Why is there so much fretting over crypto? It should be self controlling. And, pretty much self-regulating with math. that scares the holy fuck out of dictators and crooks. They are cooking up ways to make a centralized government currency that all "sub currencies" would need to be converted into to be legal. then, they have control. They are happy because they get their fingers in the pie.

Ultimately, that's what any government is about, taking from the people. Some are better at giving back something of value. Most decay into crime. And then, the sheer numbers of people storm the castle to overthrow the beast with promises of something different. It cycles and cycles and that is the framework of humanity. The only way to win is not to play the game.

The reality is, most of us like to play the game. The trick is to keep the ones who suck at the game happy enough to keep them from storming the castle. Throw them a $1400 check now and again. Let drugs run rampant. Let them kill each other off. Let them get distracted by Orange Haired men. Sound familiar?
The problem with Bitcoin is the number of coins is finite and many people have lost their wallets. Those coins will never be used again.
as long as I can keep at least 51% and maintain control of the new global financial system

I took a chisel to my USB wallet, and while it is now in bits, I think I lost my coin
Had a buddy that back in the really early days of bitcoin lost his wallet somehow (I don't remember, it was years ago). He's long since written it off as one of those "shit happens" things.

He had fifty bitcoins in it.
lots of ppl had thousands and I bet ppl are now scouring PC swap markets for old hard drives to see if there are any old unencrypted wallet.dat files :)
A guy in the UK threw out a hard drive few years ago with bitcoins that would now be valued at $330 million. He's offered the local authority i think 25% (if it's recovered) to totally turn over a landfill site. They've told him to fuck off.
We're so used to marxist money that a finite asset as a store of value actually scares people lol
yeah, you read articles about people finding 5000 bitcoins that they bought for about $20 - and they are now worth $50K!!!

this articles are from 2012 or so

imagine if they had just held on eh
They don't call em diamond hands for nothin

$1k was unheard of. $20k was unheard of. It was trading up over 60k this weekend. The whales held on through all of these levels. Alphas, man.

$250k. It's already predetermined. :D