I can’t speak for all of America, but I’m doing just fine. Working because I choose to at this point. I’m not loaded, but I have enough to live life on my terms and take care of my familyand that’s good enough for me.
When it comes to living here - it's easy to make a little bubble and live a dream life. As I get older and keep clear of everyone else, it is even more awesome. At some point, I will have a place in Costa Rica and a place in Idaho or Montana and move between the two.

The US home will be built around self-sufficiency. Land, water, etc. If I want a dose of entertainment, I'll travel to Vegas or head out to Europe. Possibly Russia. I have been close but haven't put feet on their soil.

Give an American a microphone and they are likely to moan these days. The happy people just watch and shake their heads. Then go back to being happy. I would say that the vast majority of the moaning comes from the cities. Not the rural areas. Don't fool yourself into thinking that everyone not living in a city is stupid. They just don't feel like whining as much. It really doesn't serve much of a purpose. Unless, of course, it is making money. That's just Skinner box behavior.
I can’t speak for all of America, but I’m doing just fine. Working because I choose to at this point. I’m not loaded, but I have enough to live life on my terms and take care of my familyand that’s good enough for me.

Now if you could just leave the gay out of your threads.
Capitalism during the good times, socialism when shit gets bad. Companies don't plan for bad shit... they spend extra income to buy back stocks and increase that stock price and CEO pay, but as soon as shit goes south, they are the first to demand bailouts. (cough...airlines...cough)
Capitalism during the good times, socialism when shit gets bad. Companies don't plan for bad shit... they spend extra income to buy back stocks and increase that stock price and CEO pay, but as soon as shit goes south, they are the first to demand bailouts. (cough...airlines...cough)

That used to be illegal, until Ronnie & The Coons passed a rule legalizing it in 1982. At the behest of capitalists, as always.