Going to basic training tomorrow.

RS_Smokey said:
Anyone know what the weather is like in missouri in the summer. I think it's kinda cool.
Missouri is pretty miserable in the summer. Expect it to be very hot and often humid.
I went to Leonardwood last year. B 1/48 Infantry.

BCT is easy after the first 3 weeks. Just suck it up.

Reception is gonna make you want to kill yourself. It is boring and gives you bowel cramps.

When you get downrange, dont be suprised if you dont get wood or shit for about a week.

Just remember, whatever the Drill Sergeants do, its just a face they put on. Its nothing personal. Suck it up and drive on.


The weather is going to be a mixture of really hot and really rainy/thunderstorms/tornadoes. Not too bad right now, but my guess is come June, its gonna start heating up on you.

If you see Drill Sergeant Woods or Drill Sergeant Edwards, tell em PFC DeGroff is kickin ass!
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Watch the sun exposure it can be a shock for some people's systems to go from near nothing to just being bombarded by it.
Oh yeah, on day 1 of PT, if they ever say "relax", yell NEVER!!!!! as loud as you can. They might smoke you then for it, but they're gonna love you.

EOD is a badass MOS. You get to blow shit up all...day...long. Good stuff!
crimedog said:
Oh yeah, on day 1 of PT, if they ever say "relax", yell NEVER!!!!! as loud as you can. They might smoke you then for it, but they're gonna love you.

EOD is a badass MOS. You get to blow shit up all...day...long. Good stuff!

With the new pt routine they never say relax.... its starting position.. move; *excercise counts*; position of attention.. move.
Stay away from sick people during reception. Lack of sleep, crowded bays, shots, etc all make it really easy to get sick. I ended up in the holding company for 4 extra weeks because of pneumonia, and struggling with run times all through basic because of it.

ft lost in the woods cool in summer lol...have fun rolling around in other peoples vomit in "the pit" during 100 degree weather

the worst part(or biggest adjustment for me at least) was just total loss of control over everything.

EOD gets to do some physical test like running around in a heavy suit. If you fail you're getting a new MOS(someone in my platoon failed, went to ft huachuca for something MI)
Risible said:
the worst part(or biggest adjustment for me at least) was just total loss of control over everything.

ya, that sure was a culture shock, but it taught me to just relax and worry about what I do have control over.
apollod said:
With the new pt routine they never say relax.... its starting position.. move; *excercise counts*; position of attention.. move.

Mine did. We did old school PT during cooldowns.

Drill Sergeant Watson: Relax

Me and like 2 other guys: NEVER!!!!

awkward silence....

Drill Sergeant Watson: THE ABDOMINAL STRECH!
JuggerNaught said:
fort lost in the woods...have fun :)

i had two friends who ended up there

one is out now and i get to see him this summer for the first time in 5 years
apollod said:
oh yea.. Reception Sucks total ass.. its slow, boring, and people are obnoxious.. don't try and quit.. failing the pre-basic pt test doesn't work anymore, they'll still ship you.. it just means you'll have a longer BCT if you can't pass the End of Cycle pt test. BCT flys by.. trust me I had a 10 week BCT cycle (this isn't counting reception time and arguebly is you want to count the 1 week at Ft. Pickett.. it was a 11 week BCT with a one week "break" at reception for a total of 12 weeks) from June-Sept 04

13M (MLRS Crewmember) and 13B (Cannon Crewmember) goto ait for 13B on May 29th; MOS switches to 09R (Cadet) August 1st.. so essentially my AIT is a waste, I have no desire to branch Artillery when I commission (granted its not really upto me.. but I do have some minor control over it)
Your destiny is fully under your control. Make connections, network, kiss some ass if needed. You absolutely can mold your own career, especially as an officer. I'm more or less doing it now as an E-4. It helps to know the right people. ;)