Going snowboarding with Data [pics to follow]

Data said:
Can we stop at Wal-Mart in the morning Scuba? I couldn't find any long john pants at the BX (found a shirt though). Shouldn't be more than a few minutes out of our way. :p
Yeah, we'll stop at the one in Riverview, I wanna go by Canyon Sports and price a helmet.
[HvC]Scuba said:
Probably me. I am old and really abused my body when I was younger.
I went snowboarding with my bro and his friend. It was the first time for my bro's friend and like right before we leave he got off the chairlift and fell and broke his leg. He had like the weakest bones ever.
Darkness said:
I went snowboarding with my bro and his friend. It was the first time for my bro's friend and like right before we leave he got off the chairlift and fell and broke his leg. He had like the weakest bones ever.
My bones arent particularly weak, but my joints (knees and ankles) are seriously fucked up.
What exactly does air-force special ops do? Like sneak out and refill the planes in the dead of night?

I'm seriously curious
Uncle Slappy said:
What exactly does air-force special ops do? Like sneak out and refill the planes in the dead of night?

I'm seriously curious
I'll let Scuba answer that. :p

I assure you it has nothing to do with refueling planes. :rolleyes:
Uncle Slappy said:
What exactly does air-force special ops do? Like sneak out and refill the planes in the dead of night?

I'm seriously curious
AF Spec Ops are Combat Controllers, Combat Weathermen, and Pararescue Jumpers. CCs work with other Special Ops units, and act as forward air controllers, and go in and setup and secure runways. Combat Weathermen, are usually assigned to Special Forces A-Teams on long term missions, and do meteorological shit. PJs (what I was) a combat trained Paramedics who go in behind enemy lines to retrieve downed flyers. We go through the Special Forces Dive School (toughest experience of my life) Army Jump School, Army Freefall School, and Special Forces Combat Medic School ( not anymore, now the AF runs its own Medical phase).

PJs are assigned either to a rescue squadron ( Combat Search and Rescue) or a Special Tactics Team. STTs work closely with other Spec Ops groups ( Navy SEALs, Rangers, Special Forces, and Delta) and are used to supplement those units. If you have ever watched the movie "Blackhawk Down" the guy called Wilkie, who responded to the siezure in the Hangar scene, is a PJ. They are also the ones who went in from the C-SAR bird at the first crash site.

In case you might be interested in the field, the initial training after Basic is between 12 and 14 months long, all VERY demanding, and you can wash out of the program at ANY point. We had a guy get kicked out in his last week of training for being a tool one time too many.
where in utah?

I boarded ogden a cpl years back, niiiiice powder

and perhaps yall trip down to ruidoso NM some time to hook up? :D
You seldom break legs when snowboarding, I understand, because both legs are attached to the same platform. It's your collarbone you have to watch out for.

Don't catch a downhill edge.
Gringo said:
where in utah?

I boarded ogden a cpl years back, niiiiice powder

and perhaps yall trip down to ruidoso NM some time to hook up? :D
We both live in the Hill AFB area (Ogden) and Nordic Valley is a 20 minute drive from Ogden.
ogden rocked.. we had a small cabin where the backyard walked out into a blue near a lift

had a great time and would looooove to go back.

dad was civil service in the AF and got a great deal (perhaps time to pull some strings again :p )
Uncle Slappy said:
Ah, interesting stuff, I knew there had to be more to it, but you just don't imagine air force guys doing commando stuff.
AF Special Ops WERE originally called Air Commandos........
Data said:
Can we stop at Wal-Mart in the morning Scuba? I couldn't find any long john pants at the BX (found a shirt though). Shouldn't be more than a few minutes out of our way. :p

friendly advice...don't wear cotton, especially first layer that will be against your skin. cotton holds moisture and will therefore not keep you warm, but will make you cold. you want non-cotton first layer shirt and pants.