girls who sing are a total turnon

Archimedes said:
Yeah, girls that can sing are cool. I prefer girls that can drink alcohol like a man. :sunny:



I remember in our stint down in lubbock, i went to a party at one of my friends from highschool's place

man the chicks there drank more than ive ever seen a chicks drink like ever

just beer bonging over and over again

:slurp: (actually to maintain proper historical reference, the response was :puke:.... too much keg :( )

(edit 4 spelling)
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OILCAN said:
look around.....there's some hot opera chicks out there now

... there are some good points to working at the Opera. :)

I'd post pics of me with opera chicks ... but I'm lazy.
The best singing I hear is "Ooooooooooooo ... baby!" ,

When we are talking about women, whose singing helps make her uberattractive we can't forget (and I slap all our peepies for not mentioning "her" sooner) A singer ... who sings cok to chubb: