Getting Exalted with Argent Dawn is currently a huge waste of time

:( I haven't even done any quests in the plaguelands yet :( Finishing up my last few Ungoro quests and felwood first.

That must have taken awhile too. I'm not really surprised though, there's alot of shit that isn't finished.
[OO]Machine said:
2155 gold...holy fuck.

Here i am saving my ass off and being poor just trying to get 90 :.

Holy shit I didn't notice that until you said something. That's alot of fucking gold. I think he doesn't play enough.
Nahaj said:
Once exalted you can trade stones for armor

trade them to who? he is exalted and as you can see the vendor isn't offering him anything they didn't offer him at revered.
The guy you turn the stones into I think. I'm not exalted yet. I'll check with my guild when I get back on tonight. Also check with the people at Lights Hope
yeah.. that's where my eq guild decided to go. i'm not too happy with the way they are handling pvp anyway. hopefully the battlegrounds will be enough to keep me satisfied, and if not i will probably start an alliance toon on a pvp server as i have been straight horde since cb.