Geminid Meteor Shower 12/13

I'm 70 miles NW of Dallas and learning to work an interval timer for a DSLR. It got cloudy around 20 minutes before I got it working. I'm hoping the clouds pass in the next hour
I was riding my motorcycle across the golden gate bridge and looked over at the city and saw a shooting star fly over the cityscape. It was all I got to see, but it was a really nice scene.
10:30 here saw 2 around the east horizon in a few minn. Gonna wait a few hours and go back out, work will suck tomorrow, fuck it
Probably saw about 35-40 in the span of an hour or so here, but I saw the most awesome one I've ever seen in that time.

It was in the southeastern sky, and looked to fall straight down. It was fairly large and green and left a long orange tail that split into 3 separate pieces then faded out. It was visible for maybe 3 seconds, but it was so bright I'd swear it cast a shadow. Decided to come inside after that.

I've seen a few places claim this shower will be visible tomorrow night as well, but the peak activity is supposed to be tonight. Maybe those of you with overcast or rainy skies will be able to catch a few tomorrow night.
Sat in a jacuzzi watching for about 2-3 hours, with a very clear sky relative to what it usually is here in Columbus. Saw probably around 20 per hour, with 2 or 3 really bright ones overall. The biggest one I saw looked bright orange and seemed like it was heading straight down rather than across the sky.
Went out at 5:30, all cloudy :(

I see occasional meteors in the early morning pretty often but a big shower would've been nice. :hrm:
I saw one last night that started directly over my head and burned all the way to the horizon. Took like 5 seconds.