[Gay] Roommates and compromises suck

Typical tone you would expect from someone in your predicament talking to someone like me who came from an ok to do family but got to go to school for free because they worked hard and excelled greater then someone like yourself.
There is no tone. I'm simply perplexed by the idea that you think anyone who goes to college after their 20's is a fuckup, like your 20's will define the rest of your life or something.

Right. You've never taken a class you thought was a waste.

Hope you enjoy freshman year.

I havent. I've taken classes I dont enjoy, but I dont think they're a waste, it's just more credits towards a degree.
There is no tone. I'm simply perplexed by the idea that you think anyone who goes to college after their 20's is a fuckup, like your 20's will define the rest of your life or something.

I havent. I've taken classes I dont enjoy, but I dont think they're a waste, it's just more credits towards a degree.

That's why I used the qualifier most people. I challenge you to pick a community college in the U.S. at random and would be astonished if not most of the 30 year old students where not found to be losers who still smoke grass and work part time at blockbuster.
I mean, I understand we're roommates and we are each entitled to this bedroom with desks but I'm getting sick and tired of roommates and compromising.

Many of our desires and interests are just completely different. I want my room to be a productive study space, and he wants to play music and dance ball room like a fruit all over the place.

He wants to paint his nails at his desk, but I don't want to be exposed to his noxious fag fumes (our desks are side by side so we sit 2 feet apart).

He has to draft some emails to god knows who and I have to put in headphones to listen to music/youtube- but when I'm doing work he calls his crying mother to discuss family issues two feet away from me.

I probably sound like an inconsiderate asshole, but this is really two sided. I mean today, he wakes up at some point in time and starts panicing. "Oh no! I over slept my alarm! How did this happen!?" I don't fucking know, and I don't fucking care. Just cause you're late doesn't mean you have to hold a monologue and ruin my morning too. I've been late plenty of times and I don't wake you up to tell you about it.

/rant fuck roommates I can't wait till I can at least have my own bedroom.
you sound like an absolute nightmare

you get upset at nail polish? :lol:

you're the douche in this scenario, sorry. you remind me of the type that whines about his roommate to people that actually have it 10x worse but they aren't big enough douches to go around crying about it because they understand it's a shitty situation everyone has to deal with.
That's why I used the qualifier most people. I challenge you to pick a community college in the U.S. at random and would be astonished if not most of the 30 year old students where not found to be losers who still smoke grass and work part time at blockbuster.
grass lol thanks peter fonda
i suppose.

my freshman year sucked, because i didnt like anyone in my dorm. I got crammed in w/ a bunch of inconsiderate baseball fags

when i moved off campus, soph-sen year, it was much better.
hah.. sharing the same room with someone.. that really sucks.. i guess it's pretty normal in the land of the free eh? :lol: not here..
I hated freshman year dorms. My roommate (a virgin) finally got a girl...problem was he brought her over a week straight and she was not a quiet fuck. Normally I would cheer the guy on but when you are 10 feet away it gets kinda old quick. We had to pay for two new doors and a desk after that fight and the college thankfully put us up with new roommates.

The new guy was an in the closet gay guy. loved gwen stefani and pretty much did everything annoying gay people do. Tried to be involved in all drama on campus. I requested a room change because I wrote I was a homo-phobic and would be kicking this guys ass soon. They granted it right away.

The third guy, holy shit was a fucking weird, for a art project he brought home a dead cat he found on the road and proceeded to embalm it on his desk. I got the dorm monitor. The DM proceeded to freak out the guy and he fainted. We had ambulances and everything. He eventually dropped out because of "exhaustion". I had a semester to myself in the room.

The new guy ended up being some hick from GA. A football jockey, but he was cool and actually had hygiene skills. After that semester, I rented my own damn place.
I hated freshman year dorms. My roommate (a virgin) finally got a girl...problem was he brought her over a week straight and she was not a quiet fuck. Normally I would cheer the guy on but when you are 10 feet away it gets kinda old quick. We had to pay for two new doors and a desk after that fight and the college thankfully put us up with new roommates.

You broke a door and a desk fighting with a roommate because he lost his virginity? You sound like you've got issues...
Guys who don't get along with their roomates are just bitches.

Girls its expected, but for guys its always because they are both just bitches.

Get drunk together, do dumb stuff and bam friends.
This thread seems to have been derailed but allow me to put it back on topic:

Tanj, it's clear you're in first year university at a college residence. You are "that guy", the little annoying nerd who gets so upset that people around him have fun. You want a study space? Go to the library you moron. Hell, what's the weather outside like where you live? Go sit in a fucking park.

Grow a pair and start enjoying the carefree lifestyle of a 1st year university student, as in, stop mouthbreathing and getting upset every time your roommate has a better time than you do.

You're taking the whole first-year-in-residence-college-thing much too seriously and it really shows the complete lack of social aptitude you have. I'm sure if you had a whole bunch of friends, went out all the time, met (fucked) girls and did all the same hijinx the average 1st year college student does, you wouldn't be sitting here nerd raging about your roommate.

Classic case of nerd jealousy.


Guys who don't get along with their roomates are just bitches.

Girls its expected, but for guys its always because they are both just bitches.

Get drunk together, do dumb stuff and bam friends.

Very true.. but what do you expect on these forums?
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This thread seems to have been derailed but allow me to put it back on topic:

Tanj, it's clear you're in first year university at a college residence. You are "that guy", the little annoying nerd who gets so upset that people around him have fun. You want a study space? Go to the library you moron. Hell, what's the weather outside like where you live? Go sit in a fucking park.

Grow a pair and start enjoying the carefree lifestyle of a 1st year university student, as in, stop mouthbreathing and getting upset every time your roommate has a better time than you do.

You're taking the whole first-year-in-residence-college-thing much too seriously and it really shows the complete lack of social aptitude you have. I'm sure if you had a whole bunch of friends, went out all the time, met (fucked) girls and did all the same hijinx the average 1st year college student does, you wouldn't be sitting here nerd raging about your roommate.

Classic case of nerd jealousy.


Very true.. but what do you expect on these forums?

What a surprise. The one guy on here that sticks up for the faggot. hmmm??
oh hey RabbitRabbi, well-known bandwagon anti-Obibun nerd rager.. hey remember that time you spent 30 pages jerking yourself off to how clever you thought you were and then I was right in the end?

yeah suck my dick nerd, I own this place

it's pretty clear from your rampant jealousy and nerd angst towards anyone on these forums with social aptitude that you are the absolute best authority for questions about university

I mean you got a scholarship bro you must have been such a cool kid.. every kid I knew who got a scholarship was like one of the hardest partiers I knew, women all the time, just totally going wild bro
wait is this roommate of Tanj's actually gay? I thought he was just exaggerating

jesus christ if that's the case Tanj (and the rest of you) are bigger nerdvirgins than I previously thought

holy shit do you have any idea how easy it is to meet hot girls in first year uni when your roommate is a flaming homo? especially if you're cool with it/friends with him?

it's no wonder half of you have only had sex like twice in your life
I mean, I understand we're roommates and we are each entitled to this bedroom with desks but I'm getting sick and tired of roommates and compromising.

Many of our desires and interests are just completely different. I want my room to be a productive study space, and he wants to play music and dance ball room like a fruit all over the place.

He wants to paint his nails at his desk, but I don't want to be exposed to his noxious fag fumes (our desks are side by side so we sit 2 feet apart).

He has to draft some emails to god knows who and I have to put in headphones to listen to music/youtube- but when I'm doing work he calls his crying mother to discuss family issues two feet away from me.

I probably sound like an inconsiderate asshole, but this is really two sided. I mean today, he wakes up at some point in time and starts panicing. "Oh no! I over slept my alarm! How did this happen!?" I don't fucking know, and I don't fucking care. Just cause you're late doesn't mean you have to hold a monologue and ruin my morning too. I've been late plenty of times and I don't wake you up to tell you about it.

/rant fuck roommates I can't wait till I can at least have my own bedroom.

Tanj, when I agreed to be your room mate, I really expected better. But instead of talking this out, here you are posting all of our dirty laundry on TW. You of all people should know that this always backfires.

And LIES! Oh the lies! I am crushed. In the first place, I DO NOT paint my nails. I dare you to show PROOF that my nails were ever painted. All I was doing was inhaling paint thinner fumes. You should try it some time.

And my mother is DEAD! MORE LIES! I am merely crying to my dance partner Laura. I'm sorry if this disturbs you. But I need to vent sometimes, y'know?

And because I aspire to be a GREAT ball room dancer, I need to practice my craft. My cha cha needs to be crisper and my waltz demands that I bend at the knees more. How am I going to improve if I don't practice? I need to play MUSIC to get the timing better.

And so what if I wake up disoriented in the morning? Paint thinner fumes will DO that. Cry me a river.

You know what you need? I'll TELL you what you need. The next time that you are sleeping peacefully during the middle of the night, I am going to perch my ass right above your pig shaped snout and drop a fart like you wouldn't believe after a Taco Bell binge. Then we'll see who wakes up disoriented.

I am so humiliated.