Gameplay types

Flatscan said:
Gametypes that I would like to see in addition to CTF include:

Team Rabbit
Team Hunters (exploit fixed)

I thought Bounty sucked and don't have much experience with the others. The 5 seconds that I looked at each of them they seemed ok.

Hello status quo!
Duel. If it's not there the community will just create it anyway. I'm not sure if that's an argument for or against the dev's doing it themselves though.
Natural said:
Urban terror. Industralized map with tall buildings allowing defensive fortification. One team must bring a slow moving vehicle/relic of some sort to the other side of the map. The other team must prevent it from getting through. Rotational-style gameplay. Could support the addition of a stealth-type player with deployable explosives. (IDEA, not supporting it =)

Could there be grinding?

I really like this thought except it seems like it would be a bit slower paced than ctf. I love the high speed capper chases and stuff and it would be completely missing from this game type.
Zero G ender mod. No up, real life zero gravity :]

In other words have some maps that take place on orbiting space stations. They're all indoors but it's free movement space. You'd have to hange the mouse look a bit -- give it full sphereical rotation.

Here you could either have the jets launch you forward or have no gets at all. and have the right mouse button for wall grabbing, forcing players to jump off of walls. In this when you grabed a wall you would re orientate to that axis, totally changing your perspective. True 3d :]

edit: hrmmmm...or perhapes a better thought would be to use the right mouse button to change orientation. Probably won't see this in the game anyways ;o
Well, I don't think we'll see ANY built in mods -- that leaves you with gametypes, and realistically, I can't think of any new ones that would be fun (Except SSBM mode! >:0 But that would have weapons changes so...)
I am up for SSBM so long as someone makes a Roy The Boy Toy model.

King of the hill would be nice, but with the style mentioned above, it needs to be kept in mind that a low number of people per team is kinda key.

I really would liek to see multiple team CTF, or some variant objective game with 3+ teams. My biggest issue with T1 was that it always turned into 1 team gets totally fucked. The problem with the triangle approach above is that it is unfair unless all 3 teams are the exact same skill level. If team B sucks, and team A is to take team Bs flag, then team C is at a disadvantage. Granted, C could pull defensemen and send them O (cause team B sucks and can't cap for shit), but I think it would be very hard to balance in a match. It really becomes, who gets lucky with the weak link team.
Team Hunters was my favorite gametype in T2. I'd love to see a tweaked (improved) version in the next game. While Capture & Hold suffered in T2, I think objective-based missions are well-suited to the style of Tribes -- but give players better objectives than "constantly throw yourself at the switch to instantly change control of the point to your team, repeat 50 grabillion times before the game ends". Create scenarios where there is real ebb and flow as teams shore up defenses at captured sites or launch fresh assaults to take them away.

I'd like to see the return of the underrated Find & Retrieve from Tribes 1. Having to find and the defend multiple flags (or object of your choice, since it doesn't have to be flags), rather than spreading the action too thin, actually brought more players into the game (from what I saw on pubs, anyway). Again, the ebb and flow was very dynamic. It never caught on, but the pubs I played on were always fun.

A reworked TR2 could be fun but I'd theme it more along the lines of the Firetruce rather than making it the awkward pseudo-modern sports game that TR2 was. Keep the presentation consistent with the Tribes universe.

All of this may be moot by the 24th, anyway, if dev on the next game has already locked down gametypes. :)
Natural said:
Urban terror. Industralized map with tall buildings allowing defensive fortification. One team must bring a slow moving vehicle/relic of some sort to the other side of the map. The other team must prevent it from getting through. Rotational-style gameplay. Could support the addition of a stealth-type player with deployable explosives. (IDEA, not supporting it =)

I don't see T3 as a game being confined to the city ;o. Perhaps, moving a slow, modified (armed?) MPB (or whatever they have) across the map (even through a city at a few points, perhaps).
Xagothae.1 said:
I don't see T3 as a game being confined to the city ;o. Perhaps, moving a slow, modified (armed?) MPB (or whatever they have) across the map (even through a city at a few points, perhaps).

Constricted to the city? No. A game type with cities? Perhaps. Seriouslly how fun would team-style DM be in a metropolis enviornment? I can imagine flying around san francisco with skyscrapers and bridges and lakes and hills... with the objective of going through the city. Though it does not fit the tribes image at this point, who knows what they have in store for the future of the story... I just think it could be interesting.
Natural said:
Constricted to the city? No. A game type with cities? Perhaps. Seriouslly how fun would team-style DM be in a metropolis enviornment? I can imagine flying around san francisco with skyscrapers and bridges and lakes and hills... with the objective of going through the city. Though it does not fit the tribes image at this point, who knows what they have in store for the future of the story... I just think it could be interesting.

Ya.. when you mentioned urban terror, that is what I was thinking. I think the large city with skyscraper idea could be really cool, with the ability to go into some buildings, etc. I am sure tho that it would be a pretty big hit for the engine to render. Not sure how to integrate the city idea into a fun gametype which doesn't require over 20-25 players (while keeping the tribes fell), and not killing performance.

Kinda reminds me of some of the BF1942 maps, but those were much smaller scale.
Urban Terror: There's s Siege map or two that do this now. Convoy and Convoy Nuclear Edition. In those, there's four MPBs, and each one is the power source for a set of forcefield blocking the switch.

The attacking team must destroy all four MPBs to lower the fields and open the switch up. The defending team has a couple of options--they can defend the MPBs, or if they've got a good set of drivers, they can drive one of the MPB3s about 4KM to a base that's waaaay on the other end of the map--if they get one there, they end the round as if they'd successfully defended all four MPBs.

You end up with some pretty bad-ass combat going on. Usually a team will take three of the MPBs and scatter them and try to keep the O busy, while another group tries to sneak the remaining MPB to the distant base.

In the Nuclear Edition, when you kill and MPB, it explodes and fries EVERYTHING within a few hundred meters. :D

I would love to see more maps, or even a gametype for this, in T3. This would go a long way towards placating those players that like the slower-paced, vehicle-oriented combat, without really interfering with the CTF portion of the game.

Siege as it stands now is pretty cool, but there's not enough maps that are designed for pub play, and thus on pubs, maps get capped out in a minute or two and the pubbies get frustrated by it and stop playing.
Why not combine all the great things from each gametype?

If you keep the team-sizes the same for all game-types, you could see teams holding the top ranks on multiple gametype ladders at once, proving they are ultimately the top team in the Tribes Universe (which is a HUGE driving force to become better at a game).

CTF with fast-paced skiing, where Mid-air flag passes help accumulate points (whether they're personal or team points would have to be decided upon)

Small 5-man teams, possibly Light only like the "LT" mod.
It'd give you the option of creating large indoor bases, where you could grapple around the entire map at 300km/h, swinging yourself around corners, while also doing some form of speed-jumping to gain even more speed.

Or outdoor maps where you can ski around the entire map at mach 5, with the wind blowing in your face while skiing through large crevices and archways.
With Arena maps combined with 5v5 DangerousCrossing maps.
You spawn with less ammo (8 Disc, 50 CG, 5 Grens [maybe]), and have ammo pickups around the map, which also becomes a key along with scavenging dead bodies.

Mid-air disc distance measuring or chaingun kill-timing. Which encourages players to kill their opponent as quickly as possible.
Something like "[IE]-Natural was chained down by [IE]-TRIBEKILLER in 0.7 seconds ~impressive.wav".

No delay on weapon switching, which could give you the ability to create incredible hit combos (Like in Killer Instinct)
It can't be exploitable though (i.e: Switching to and from a weapon, giving you a small 50ms disc reload time)

Gibbing on important events.
I hardly think I need an explanation for it.
Imagine hitting a 50 metre midair, with the enemy being gibbed a second before they're about to cap, and all players on the server hear an "Impressive", knowing that the capper was denied of a near cap.
Sulking, the enemy kits up again about to try again. While you return the flag, then Ctrl+K to respawn, with a huge grin on your face.

Also including maps with the Super Smash brothers gametype, 5v5 miles up in the sky. Possibly something like Arena in the sky, only on small floating pads, or poles. Where if you're shot off, you fall to your death in TAC-esque terrain or Lava.
Best evar.
It was always fun playing on Nerz.

I still don't understand why nobody plays F&R or C&H.
It was pretty fun in the days of the T1 demo, and we only had one map for each :eek:
Some multiple teams (as in, more than 2, duh :)) F&R or C&H would be fun. I think T1 had a map like that that I've never ever seen used.
I decided to put this in a seperate post, because it's quite a large step away from Tribes, and could possibly be a game idea of it's own.

A flight-sim gametype, where Star Wars type battles in space take place, and your key is to annihilate key points of the enemies Spaceship. (Think Defend and Destroy, only the objectives could be the enemies Shields, Power Reactor, Radar, Communication, etc)

Zero-G, and you can't eject from your spaceship without dying rapidly (because you're in space), having to fly back to base to re-fuel your ships health.
Your ships could have an arsenal of different types of weapons (NO auto-aim type ones), including Lasers, which would look amazing in space.

Ships could also have 2 Nitrus Oxide "booster" type items, to get you out of sticky situations, and you can also barrel roll with keys that would solve other purposes in CTF (Maybe Left/Right).
These ships would have to have no speed cap, only not increase speed too quickly.
All of this would be possible if the scripting engine is designed to allow it.
R@ND0M said:
Why not combine all the great things from each gametype?

If you keep the team-sizes the same for all game-types, you could see teams holding the top ranks on multiple gametype ladders at once, proving they are ultimately the top team in the Tribes Universe (which is a HUGE driving force to become better at a game).

CTF with fast-paced skiing, where Mid-air flag passes help accumulate points (whether they're personal or team points would have to be decided upon)

Small 5-man teams, possibly Light only like the "LT" mod.
It'd give you the option of creating large indoor bases, where you could grapple around the entire map at 300km/h, swinging yourself around corners, while also doing some form of speed-jumping to gain even more speed.

Or outdoor maps where you can ski around the entire map at mach 5, with the wind blowing in your face while skiing through large crevices and archways.
With Arena maps combined with 5v5 DangerousCrossing maps.
You spawn with less ammo (8 Disc, 50 CG, 5 Grens [maybe]), and have ammo pickups around the map, which also becomes a key along with scavenging dead bodies.

Mid-air disc distance measuring or chaingun kill-timing. Which encourages players to kill their opponent as quickly as possible.
Something like "[IE]-Natural was chained down by [IE]-TRIBEKILLER in 0.7 seconds ~impressive.wav".

No delay on weapon switching, which could give you the ability to create incredible hit combos (Like in Killer Instinct)
It can't be exploitable though (i.e: Switching to and from a weapon, giving you a small 50ms disc reload time)

Gibbing on important events.
I hardly think I need an explanation for it.
Imagine hitting a 50 metre midair, with the enemy being gibbed a second before they're about to cap, and all players on the server hear an "Impressive", knowing that the capper was denied of a near cap.
Sulking, the enemy kits up again about to try again. While you return the flag, then Ctrl+K to respawn, with a huge grin on your face.

Also including maps with the Super Smash brothers gametype, 5v5 miles up in the sky. Possibly something like Arena in the sky, only on small floating pads, or poles. Where if you're shot off, you fall to your death in TAC-esque terrain or Lava.

I'd rather see a tribalwar olympic games. Divvy up into time zones, create teams for stupid events, win medals :]