[Game] Space Engineers

Steam Community :: AutoMcDonough :: Workshop Items







Thank you. :)
Going back and forth right now.. I like to use creative to get the designs/blueprints made then go in survival to test. When playing survival I like to be able to concentrate on gathering resources and having good blueprints to throw down, not sitting there playing with block colors while the suit runs out of energy.

But they are designed for survival. Like, the Nomad has a specific role as an early starter ship. Scrapping the yellow bus will get it 2/3 built and basically functional.
None of these are spammed with large thrusters, large reactors, other really expensive things.
wrong thread but interesting
ad astra been prototyping for 8 years, glad they are finally getting somewhere
this game is the reason i keep having to change my steam name or get auto kicked before i completely load in.
if ur talking to me im talking about how im like insta kicked from every public server because griefing is soo god damn hilarious in this game
oh. haha

So i'm working on some perimeter defense pod thing. Check out one of the features:

So yeah when that antenna goes on, you can't see shit because GUI clutter. For you it'll look red. That's just one, 2+ they overlap, seeing anything is just impossible. Going further in to gun range is suicide, you won't be able to target the turrets while they shred you up. Just turn around and stay away..
Did you get the kinks worked out of the decoy delivery system?

yeah it works pretty great. :)

tried it out against a private sail that got too close to my work area, distracts the turrets perfectly. Gave me all the time in the world to casually aim and shred the guns off of it. I am considering switching it to use a merge block because the welders are so fast compared to grinder. Would be more expensive parts but increased fire rate.