[fyi] I have anal glaucoma.

yakuza: I don't have energy for that stuff any more in the states. In ecuador, I surf. :D :D :D Way more fun than grappling with sweaty dudes, and less long-term wear and tear.

Fired, unemployment ... whatever. Obviously, they can't fire me with cause; I've never taken unemployment before and don't need it now, but it'd be cool to get it for even a few months while I'm in SA, heh ...

I have a friend who just went to ecuador for 3 months doing volunteer work.
Little hippy dude named Ben.. tell him I said Hi!
I wasn't aware that you get unemployment when you're fired.

I thought you were ONLY allowed to get unemployment if you are fired/laid off. If you quit on your own you can get it--i think. I dunno, I have never been on welfare.
I thought you were ONLY allowed to get unemployment if you are fired/laid off. If you quit on your own you can get it--i think. I dunno, I have never been on welfare.

Heh, yeah, me either ... with programming, I've actually started one job before quitting another!

I found it's different in blue-collar land; they'll REALLY lay people off with no warning, just, BOOM -- factory's closed for the winter, merry christmas. Still, this will be my first time collecting ... well, ANY money from this government.
How much does it cost to live in ecudador? Like rent/food etc? How much do you save in your few months in the states?
I *have* to save ... maybe $1200 for 8 months? Maybe. I *really* know how to live on the cheap down there, heh; my rent is $25/mo.

I actually save around $5k over 4 months (w/assloads of overtime, I usually do >$2400/mo after taxes, and so I guess I'm managing to save only about half of that!) Or I used to save it ... this time, I'm putting the extra into stocks, and I'll be doing that while in Ecuador with my unemployment if I get any.

You can spend even less than what I'm spending if you really know the people and are really committed ... I mean, I buy a lot of groceries from a supermarket once a week, when I could do perfectly well with stuff bought in my village, heh. But, yeah, as little as $160/mo for me.

I'd recommend $4k for a 6-month trip for anyone taking the plunge, just so you don't end up stumbling around naked in Tumbes with a plantano up your ass. (Stay out of Tumbes. Stay away from all border towns, in fact). Not all people have my temperament, and things can go wrong, so budget multiples of what you need.
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