fun heavy offense facts (or things that make you terrible)

heres my protip:

when someone ask u 2 deploy sensors on map, they want pulse sensor deploy - to provide extended back up radar on command screen - not motion sensor.

last pu i hof on rd and ask ld to deploy sensor. he go deploy 3 motion sensor around map. it was cute effort and appreciated but incorrect sensor choice.
last pu i ask some1 to go ho during standoff (after having 2 chase down & tk our retard lt capper sitting outside base neway back 2 story ] and he say

i do not have heavy fast fav or some such
little known fact: auto-health script doesn't do anything special. you can just spam your use health kit button a bunch of times while in inv and it will do the same thing. this is what we did before auto-health script. the benefits to the auto-health script is that it does it always, so there is no forgetting (i never forget) and you can do other stuff while it does it. but you don't need it to buy you 8 health kits in .5s. you can do that anyway.

u r wrong

if my fav script buys 8 health kits at inven i can go in and fly out as soon as my favs r bought in less time than u can

and that time adds up

auto buy a good way 2 make a deployable useless in two loadouts

most scripts can detect if using a deployable or not and ppl shuld set the auto drop/buy 2 off
it is just one if statement

more pro tip/script that opsayo will provide as top tier turret farm and goalie

- rep kit drop script - give rep kit to goalie/hof if ur going into the base to suit up and u are passing by - u do not need it and it help a lot
- mine drop script - some map u dont wanna bring mine with u on O so it real nice if u drop them to ur goalie/hof on ur way out. on certain map in certain place (ID exit route or RD special spot etc) u can drop ur mine there if ur capper
- HO placing inven - if u assign 1-2 HO to place inven before they start their run [then use it 2 suit up dummy] it really helps out defense and cappers. even if they go down sumtime u will almost always have at least 1-2 invens out that LD and cappers can use 2 suit up. it does not slow down HO run much, maybe 5-10 seconds - on con just place on top of the middle hill where u spawn sometime, on RD just place around base outside b4 u go o
- having automatic rep pack drop when u enter inven can b huge when ur base goes down. if only person spamming rep packs is tf, then many times base will go down with no extra rep packs. if every person on team is spamming 4 rep packs on favs there will alwyas be extras and base will come up faster (dont spam other stuff tho!)
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also get rid of everything you don't think you'll need so you can be lighter. heavies are heavy enough without having to carry around 200 cg bullets.
-if you can't hit the base of the RT while going full speed on normal routes (all RT maps)

tnx u lil pups gg gl hf

i'm always amazed that ppl don't do this - i'll go HO on RD and be like the 3rd or 4th HO out, and by the time i get to the enemy base i expect the RT to be down from the first 2-3 HO

but no, it never is

its like they don't even toss a mort in its direction

heck, toss a mine at it and then a mort and it only takes 1 shot, it's not that hard