Fuck Rand Paul

It feels like Bernie is one of the only politicians that gets any media coverage that is openly saying "Corruption is rampant in Washington", "Gay marriage should be legal", "Marijuana should be legal", "Corporations are the driving force behind fuckhead politicians." So many politicians receive a $10,000+ check and vote in favor of lower standards for citizens. Lower standards for health, for rights, for accountability, for transparency, for freedoms. These fuckheads are voting with the dollar, and Bernie seems to be a loud voice over the nonsense. If he gets elected I think President Sanders will be a name that will be remembered. I will vote for him. In my phone's calendar I have put, on November 1st, "Voting day November 3rd.", on November 2nd I've put, "Vote tomorrow you asshole" and on November 3rd, I've put "Vote today you lazy complacent shithead." Sanders and Elizabeth Warren feel like the only people who aren't shoveling obvious shit-covered lie

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It's s truly appalling that we live in a country where the presidency is essentially sold to the highest bidder. That's not democracy, it's plutocracy.
2 competing candidates begin the race with the same odds, the same number of supporters, and so on. Candidate #1, however, supports policies that favor the rich, and, consequently, the rich donate massive amounts of money to his campaign, eclipsing the contributions received by the Candidate #2. This amount of money gives Candidate #1 the ability to simply plaster himself onto every billboard, TV station, magazine, etc. He essentially wins by making so much noise that it drowns out the other candidate.
What you say is no longer as important to your campaign as how loud you say. Volume decides elections these days - and the more money your campaign possesses, the louder you are. This needs to change.

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Net neutrality legislation wouldnt be necessary in a market free of regulatory capture but that has never existed. And unfortunately, depending on the government to regulate an industry without itself being influenced by the armies of lobbyists representing those benefiting from their mono/duopolies is truly a fool's errand.
Net neutrality legislation wouldnt be necessary in a market free of regulatory capture but that has never existed. And unfortunately, depending on the government to regulate an industry without itself being influenced by the armies of lobbyists representing those benefiting from their mono/duopolies is truly a fool's errand.

Net neutrality legislation wouldnt be necessary in a market free of regulatory capture but that has never existed. And unfortunately, depending on the government to regulate an industry without itself being influenced by the armies of lobbyists representing those benefiting from their mono/duopolies is truly a fool's errand.

That's all well and good, but we have already gone and fucked shit up to the point where telecoms are all private monopolies or close enough to ones.

Should nothing be done at this point just because telecoms will have some influence over the process?
It amazes me how fast people quit playing broken video games. Yet they keep at the same broken political game of hot hands no matter how many times the get slapped. Even if Bernie takes office he can't save the country from a 2 party system; Let alone big money interests. If you want change reject both political parties. If you want change ty our vote should be "no confidence" written in on the ballot. Any thing less is providing legitimacy to the current incumbants. If you back Bernie and he fails, by default you are forced to accept option b. I say "don't vote" until a complete reorganization or revolution happens. Not recognizing either parties legitimacy is the most powerful vote you have.

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Should nothing be done at this point just because telecoms will have some influence over the process?

Well I guess something must be done. That's the usual meme. The number of smiling suits shaking hands at the ceremony is usually a good indicator of how hard the average person will get fucked.

My $8 Netflix doesnt buffer. Hopefully that wont change. If not, I dont really give a shit.
Well I guess something must be done. That's the usual meme. The number of smiling suits shaking hands at the ceremony is usually a good indicator of how hard the average person will get fucked.

My $8 Netflix doesnt buffer. Hopefully that wont change. If not, I dont really give a shit.

My biggest concern is that the rate my bill increases seems to far outpace any increase in actual services.
Net neutrality legislation wouldnt be necessary in a market free of regulatory capture but that has never existed. And unfortunately, depending on the government to regulate an industry without itself being influenced by the armies of lobbyists representing those benefiting from their mono/duopolies is truly a fool's errand.

Unregulated market results in 8-year old girls and boys working in the capitalist's coal mine and dying of black lung by age 14. But it's not a problem, you only have to wait two years to get the replacement.
Bet you can't actually post the sections you found concerning or articulate why they were concerning.

I could but if you go find the bill and read it you will then be able to formulate your own opinion of the matter. The Enforcement Section is like 200 or 205.

I have my own opinion, you expressed concern over something but are unable like always to articulate the why. You are a child, ignorant and blissful but of the belief that you have knowledge when you have nothing.
And it is the exact same process more or less for all FCC complaints, what exactly is concerning about that to you?

Like all bureaucracies there are some unfortunate built in inefficiencies because of that. This is the issue with all large institutions public and private.