FUCK CHINA and the Boat it Rode in On


There was a 'slip' lately in a headline
about a 'fact check'
that called the CCP
the Chinese Community Party
i shit you not, but you look it up
and they're the fact checkers...

Just because I really think there's people out there that don't think China is a communist nation... like they're just a good socialist country we ought to emulate
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whether it was created or occurred via a 'natural' shitstorm, china knew they had a problem, didn't tell anyone, squelched those that did try to warn the world and the rest of the globe paid for it

So when will they be held accountable
the average american not being hostile towards, or at the least quite wary of China, is a sign of your doom bros

You're cooked. US is cooked.
Oh ya, it's not obvious or backed up by SCIENCE!
or anything
People with any kind of standing in this world KNOW
so since they know, they are complicit
and when you follow the money,,,
Have you read the report? The whole thing?

'Coz I haven't. Therefore, I'm not going to comment on what's in it. Does that mean I disagree with it? No, it just means I'm not commenting on it.

Any of this gettin' through that little blue bonnet of yours?
Have you read the report? The whole thing?

'Coz I haven't. Therefore, I'm not going to comment on what's in it. Does that mean I disagree with it? No, it just means I'm not commenting on it.

Any of this gettin' through that little blue bonnet of yours?

Heya MC Lambster
This isn't holding up very well for you. Have you waited long enough to learn where this obvious virus came from?

Comon' Man Say it with me

'The virus was created in a Wuhan lab through gain-of-function. Something they do to make a benign virus lethal '

Now you can think they did this to 'study it' and it just kinda escaped 'oops'
or realize the CCP controls everything in china and it was made to be the bio-weapon it is and released on purpose...
all funded by fauci/NIH/other world 'institutions'
China’s Nightmarish New Bio Weapon Targets Race and Ethnicity

:boogie::boogie::boogie: :boogie::boogie::boogie:
:boogie::boogie::boogie: :boogie::boogie::boogie:

A little too dramatic in his delivery, but check the sources in the description.​