Flu season is awesome.

Suggestions on fast food that would improve my near-death condition? Too wiped to go grocery shopping and its late.
Don't you fools know that flu shots are loaded with mind controlling additives to drive people into a frenzy of shopping. That's
why flu shots are given just before Christmas.
This is the second time in two months, I was down for a week in September with an even nastier one in the head.

This, this one is all about the chest and sinus. I'm waking up to five minute coughing fits, hacking up what looks like bloody peanut butter cut with crystal pepsi, and gag/cough/almost vomit whenever I take a deep breath.

If its not better by saturday, I'm going to the ER after this fucking disaster recovery exercise.

*Takes a deep breath of fresh air, spends the next minute or so rolling around clutching his chest sounding like a sick cat*

If it feels like you are gurgling fluid in your chest go see a doc soon. I've had pneumonia and it wasn't very much fun. Sucks to be barely able to breathe.
never had a flu shot and yet never had the flu

everyone who gets those shots always gets sick right afterwards

what's the point
I got nailed with several bugs between January and March this year. Was out of work 3 different times. Twice it was the typical flu deal .. aches, pain, fever etc. Last time it was a stomach virus which was entertaining. My bathroom sounded like the brass section of a musical for the better part of two days.
never had a flu shot and yet never had the flu

everyone who gets those shots always gets sick right afterwards

what's the point

Most people don't actually get sick although they feel a bit groggy for a day or tow. It's worth it if you're exposed to a lot of people. I should get my shot soon tbh since I'm a mailman. I might not see a ton of people during the day but I'm outside in all sorts of bad weather which will run you down and make you more likely to get nailed with something bad.
Hmmm... I'm just getting over something that took me out for a week... but didn't have what I'd really recognize as flu.

Started out last Thursday with a heavy allergy attack thanks to local fires being fed by high speed Santa Ana winds and a city-wide asthma alert. Nothing unusual there. I've had severe allergy attacks before.

But then over the weekend it turned into utter and complete lethargy, couldn't leave the bed but too uncomfortable to sleep and complete loss of appetite. Just the thought of food was nauseating. Ended up not eating a thing for 3 days straight, which just compounded the issue.

Yesterday afternoon was the first day I was able to sip down some chicken broth and today was the first day I was actually ambulatory and able to actually eat solids.

My body aches from lying in bed so long. :(

Strangest illness I've ever had.
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Flu != a cold.
Flu != bronchitis.

Flu is another animal entirely. If you get a fever and feel like you're dying, shit out your intestines, puke up your rectum, and cough like you inhaled the Atlantic - you may have the flu.

Anything else is just a cold. Bronchitis is nothing to mess with, and makes you feel bad, but flu is something else entirely.
Got a free flu shot through work yesterday. I rarely get sick but want to make sure I'm not laid up during what will likely be an awesome winter.
I had the flu for the last 2 days.

I'm feeling MUCH better now,

Don't have any headaches and my temperature has gone down again but my fucking tonsils have the size of tennisballs. I can't swallow anything (haha gay haha)

I'm thinking of getting them removed.
Flu != a cold.
Flu != bronchitis.

Flu is another animal entirely. If you get a fever and feel like you're dying, shit out your intestines, puke up your rectum, and cough like you inhaled the Atlantic - you may have the flu.

Anything else is just a cold. Bronchitis is nothing to mess with, and makes you feel bad, but flu is something else entirely.

the flu and the 'stomach flu' are two different things - normal flu doesnt usually involve vomiting
Got the flu shot at work. No side effects.

Not that worried, I'm in South Florida. Remember, don't touch your eyes or pick your nose, that's how you get the cold. Oh, and the reason people get sick, isn't because it's cold outside, but because they are together in the winter, sneezing, then leaving the shit on door knobs and sinks.