[Flash Game] Bible Fight

Game is stupid and unbalanced. Does not represent true arcade style play through cross-button mashing or directional tolerance.


And it only scores that high because of the biblical theme.
Sweet, I beat it with satan (way too easy), which unlocks god.

God throws a pretty damn good shoryuken.
I cheaped my way through it with satan. I basically got the other guy on the edge of the screen and kept hitting them with the pitchfork just at the edge of it's range.

Seemed oddly fitting when Satan cheaped God out of a victory.
Satan is fucking cheap. I'm trying to use eve (sexy nekkid chick FTW) but this guy's just plain ridiculous.
I won a single round as Jesus but otherwise got knocked around by Eve and Mary. Eve has a nifty move called 'nipple pinch'...