Finally Bumfuck gets it right................

Mitch, I'm going to be real for a moment.

There's a deeply troubling day ahead of you for both you, your wife(?), and whatever kids you have over there. Please, I don't personally care, you don't need to reply directly to this post and tell me your family situation in that empire of dirt you call home in Dubai.

Just know this; your life over there is one day going to be irreversibly shattered when you find yourself in prison over there. A deep, dark abyss of hopelessness where you have no basic human rights, your life will be nullified and totally forfeit, and you'll be quietly whisked away to that sweet goodnight. And the only people who will eventually notice your disappearance as your family scrambles to flee the country - and probably fail to do so is us.

And that's.... That's fucking depressing, dude. Because you'll probably have no final post, no "let me wrap up my current life situation", no facebook status updates, no TW shitposting as the norm, you'll just.... Disappear into that sweet good night, and weeks, maybe even months will go by where our only genuine response to your lack of periodic shitposting will be a sense of relief that you've vanished. Kind of like how it was with that pedo Dweasel.

What's your contingency plan on this man? Like, do you have your TW login info posted somewhere so that when you're in prison someone else in your immediate family can carry on your legacy and post on your behalf? Who do you call for help when you're locked up indefinitely? Like, how does it feel to know that your last legacy on earth will be a footnote in the annals of history - a cropped photograph in a history book years down the road as your severed head is held by a sand nigger in the desert outskirts of Dubai?

Or do you just eventually concede that your liberal ideology has wholly failed you and you're forced to become a refugee and flee the place you currently call home - only for it to be too late?

Nobody here envies you, no one here thinks you're living the high life. You are a fly that is knuckle deep in the spider's web, and it's only a matter of time before that spider you continuously deny exists comes back and destroys everything you hold dear.

Sleep well, my sweet Dubai Prince, you will be missed - maybe, eventually.

Entries for effort post of the week are now closed.
An ex stripper owns the condo next to ours. She invited me over to smoke pot and chill. I made 3 chimichangas and a pot of coffee and am currently playing sto instead. Why? Cause I am boss

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if you're saying you want to ban me from coming into Mitchdubai threads you might actually be onto something...
Also, 160 lbs is a swamp-monster if she's 5'1". But I suppose your average Bumfuck resident would struggle with a BMI calculation.

it's finger banging time

surprise :wet: