[FILM] The Motorcycle Diaries...

FireStorm! said:
because he was a marxist-leninist (communist) guerrilla that emancipated the majority of cuban people in a revolution which started out with about 11 people and turned into thousands.

because he died fighting for the rights of the masses of people to bring about equality and change

Dedicating your life to a shitty cause isn't something to be remembered for. We don't glorify pro-lifers who bomb abortion clinics. The world has known communism wouldn't work for a long time before Che tried it.

the batista dictatorship before castro took over was an oppressive political dictatorship and not a socialist regime where the literacy rate is almost 100%, life expectency is now like 79 and health care is free

if you really think it was better, do some research on who batista really was and some of the policies he enforced. of course before he was kicked out & stole all of the national treasury from cuba. the CIA then led the bay of pigs invasion because they wanted to control the country, but the communists whooped their ass

maybe because he did more good than you ever will

Cuba is a shithole. It is run by a person who is diagnosably insane and the people there hate their government now. They're willing to float 100 miles on a raft to escape it.

Did Cuba need a revolution? Yes. Che Guevara was a moron though.

edit - If Guevata was alive today, he'd be covertly arested and held as a terrorist for the rest of his life. His methods were absolutely atrocious.
FuFu said:
i thought it sucked ass. its really really slow and boring. there is zero violence/action/suspense

and just when u think the plot is about to go somewhere, it goes no where.

the crux/climax/"action" of the plot revolves around a leper colony seperated by a river. ?!?! no commies, nada.
Perhaps it's not violence/action/suspense packed becaue it's is simply a recollection of how Che became Che? :shrug:

I loved it.
Rev said:
Dedicating your life to a shitty cause isn't something to be remembered for. We don't glorify pro-lifers who bomb abortion clinics. The world has known communism wouldn't work for a long time before Che tried it.

Cuba is a shithole. It is run by a person who is diagnosably insane and the people there hate their government now. They're willing to float 100 miles on a raft to escape it.

Did Cuba need a revolution? Yes. Che Guevara was a moron though.

edit - If Guevata was alive today, he'd be covertly arested and held as a terrorist for the rest of his life. His methods were absolutely atrocious.
okay you are just ignorant


comparing the cause of communism in cuba to that of pro-abortion clinic bombers? what the fuck is wrong with you :lol:

his methods were atrocious? did you expect the government to hand over power if the revolutionaries just "asked"? you are fucking naieve

and communism has never actually taken place for the world to know if it "could work". socialism has proven to work under the proper leadership, your knowledge about castro is all learned from what you hear on CNN so it's no use arguing with you. however, the people there praise him, yes the situation is terrible but maybe thats because you have had an embargo on that country hurting its very people you claim to wish to free

bah not worth it