[FILM] The Motorcycle Diaries...

Super Dennis said:
I'm Bolivian. We killed Che.

Way to be CIA tools :rolleyes:

Ive read the motorcycle diaries and Granado's own novel about the trip, and the only major thing that was added in as I recall was the swim across the river. Otherwise it was just minor changes in names (ie anaconda mine instead of braden mine, etc)

I wish my spanish were better, but I am working on it daily. If only I wasnt born gringo, sigh.

in any case this is the best movie of 04 IMO.
Ostego said:
why do people forget that che guevara was just a anarchist that had an unhealthy obsession with guns
because he was a marxist-leninist (communist) guerrilla that emancipated the majority of cuban people in a revolution which started out with about 11 people and turned into thousands.

because he died fighting for the rights of the masses of people to bring about equality and change

the batista dictatorship before castro took over was an oppressive political dictatorship and not a socialist regime where the literacy rate is almost 100%, life expectency is now like 79 and health care is free

if you really think it was better, do some research on who batista really was and some of the policies he enforced. of course before he was kicked out & stole all of the national treasury from cuba. the CIA then led the bay of pigs invasion because they wanted to control the country, but the communists whooped their ass

maybe because he did more good than you ever will

:rofl: from the same site as the Che t-shirt...
FireStorm! said:
because he was a marxist-leninist (communist) guerrilla that emancipated the majority of cuban people in a revolution which started out with about 11 people and turned into thousands.

because he died fighting for the rights of the masses of people to bring about equality and change

the batista dictatorship before castro took over was an oppressive political dictatorship and not a socialist regime where the literacy rate is almost 100%, life expectency is now like 79 and health care is free

if you really think it was better, do some research on who batista really was and some of the policies he enforced. of course before he was kicked out & stole all of the national treasury from cuba. the CIA then led the bay of pigs invasion because they wanted to control the country, but the communists whooped their ass

maybe because he did more good than you ever will

Kelster said:
I've been meaning to see this for a while. I'm going to check it out tonight. :]

Holy thread ressurect, Batman!

Just wanted to see what Kelster thought of the film.
I went to the hot springs that night instead. :[

I'll make it my #1 priority to see it today and report back.
Kelster said:
I went to the hot springs that night instead. :[

I'll make it my #1 priority to see it today and report back.

You're damn skippy you will! :mad:

Seriously, its worth the 5bux. Or however much movies cost wherever you are.
I finally watched this and promised I'd comment.

It's really powerful, the scenery is beautiful and the message is solid. I would recommend this to everyone. The acting is superb.

I respect the guts it took for him and his buddy to hop on a bike and adventure across South America. It most definitely prepared him for his future. Also, I had no idea that Che was going into medicine.

The scenes at the leprosy camp and mayan ruins were inspiring. So was watching him self actualize into a man who felt an immense need to help and unite his impoverished people.


My only question: did he ever re-hook up with the girl he was seeing?
i thought it sucked ass. its really really slow and boring. there is zero violence/action/suspense

and just when u think the plot is about to go somewhere, it goes no where.

the crux/climax/"action" of the plot revolves around a leper colony seperated by a river. ?!?! no commies, nada.