FIFA 2010

FIFA 10 is one of the most enjoyable games I've played. As someone who wasn't much of a soccer fan, it makes me appreciate (and hopefully understand) the game a lot more to say the least. Peter Crouch heading in a cross and doing the robot FTW.
It seems like most of the games I play now are decided by how retarded the goalies act.

I especially like the squat runs he does.
I'd like to play sucky people as well. Should we start a we suck at FIFA 10 thread? ;)

I'm SooFooMarty on PS3, I'll try to be on tonight, but it'll be late, like 11pm CDT.
does anyone else play live season? whenever my buddy and i play co-op live season against the AI, it cheats its fucking ass off and it seems we get fucked over at every corner. anyone else having this problem? (difficulty is pro i think)
African gangsters enjoy playing this shit I would imagine. I picture 40oz beer bottles, a lot of weed smoke, and some sort of bird like animal on the rotisserie.
I play quite a bit, post ur ps3 id's id like to play with some of you. Ive gotten decent at it though my controller's circle button is fucked so my shot goes way off sometimes. But I do alright online, occasionally some negro destroys me but I hold my own in my skill level. I also played with a club for a bit, but it was all kids and they'd talk constantly on the mic so I stopped that.

Overall I think the game is a ton of fun. CPU ai sucks especially for defense. One tip is to set your tactics to defensive so your defenders play a little deeper. As you play more you'll start figuring out how to intercept passes and quickly switch to a defender to get him to a better position etc. But sometimes there just is nothing you can do about a lobbed pass to drogba or torres or someone.

On offense just learn to pass the ball a lot more. Use the lob thru pass, l1 and triangle. Once u get the hang of it it's pretty useful. The finesse shit, r1 and circle, is the best way to finish. Mess around with it a lot, I usually always use that.

I'll add you guys and wee can play a bit. I remember playing against a few tw'ers and they were pretty good, cant remember names tho

Btw world cup game should be out soon too i think
does anyone else play live season? whenever my buddy and i play co-op live season against the AI, it cheats its fucking ass off and it seems we get fucked over at every corner. anyone else having this problem? (difficulty is pro i think)

Yeah the AI cheats pretty badly when they get down.
Yeah the AI cheats pretty badly when they get down.
me and a friend have been working our way up through the difficulties since we've never played a soccer game before and don't know shit about it, it was too easy until professional and then it started anally penetrating us. We opened up against Chelsea with a 3-0 lead, switched to defensive tactics and it didn't even matter, they scored 4 ridiculous goals in the last 15 minutes of the match. Fuckin' Gomes was running around like a retard while Drogba took out his black cock and smacked our defenders one by one.

Similar thing happened against Man U. We were up 3-1 with probably 20 mins left, but then Wayne faggot Rooney took the game over and leveled it essentially by himself with 3 mins left. Not quite as frustrating as the hidden Madden 10 difficulty shit, and a lot of the time I'm convinced we could have done better, but still kind of insane how the pressure increases when they're down late.

this is on manager mode co-op playing the games.
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I don't play Fifa as much, but I know to beat NHL10 on all star or higher you were better off not going up big early, as the rubber band AI will smack you harder.

They make this stuff a lot more subtle than it used to be (some people will actually argue that the CPU gets no boosts whatsoever), but it is still there.

Usually, your CPU teammates start becoming useless. They stop moving and aren't even in the right spot when you switch to them. You can only switch around control so fast and you eventually can't do everything yourself.

I stick to the be a pro type games as those seem a little less cheesy.

On pro with my created player I dominate, but I play a regular game on pro and get spanked most of the time.
I do notice when you're up especially against a tough team, they will try everything to win. I love it, it makes sense.

Just learn to pass fast and right, and you'll milk the clock.

Give me walcott, van persie, eduardo, and I'm good.
Yeah it is far more subtle...I'm convinced Madden has a hidden difficulty that works outside the sliders. All pro is far too easy but on all madden dropped passes are unrealistically high as well as fumbles. The obvious solution would be to tone down those sliders, but when you do that the game instantly goes back to being retardedly easy--and not because of more caught passes--the enemy just starts playing like it's back on all-pro. I do notice with this Madden, it doesn't seem to have the "we're down late and we're going to fuck you in the ass" mentality at least. Madden 08 definitely did. The most I can see with 10 in this regard is if you make a dumb mistake anywhere near the end of a half, they usually make you pay with at least 3 points.

FIFA isn't really obnoxious or anything, it does feel authentic when they go all out at the end. American football it's a little less harder to quantify that kind of desperation in a game so it makes sense that it isn't as pronounced in madden.

And yeah ender, anticipating the passes seems to be the biggest adjustment. we've gotten a lot better at it but a lot of the time you really need to have it queued up before the ball even gets there or you're getting robbed instantly.
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the EA advantage was always hilarious (see: any EA racing game ever)

I recall back in college when I played with others in the dorm, it became a competition half the time to be intentionally down fairly big so that Madden would catapult you into the lead in the 4th quarter
Don't just hold X on defense.

Stay back on defense until the last moment. I think you can hold A and right trigger or something like that to stay tracked on the guy with the ball. if you then release A you'll stick out your foot and hopefully get a tackle.

Just don't attack constantly and use the radar. i think LT is also for jostling on the ball which is important to do.

If you go too far forward with your defenders they can just pop it over the keeper who this year just LOVES to rush out at the wrong moment.

Slow down your playing and you'll see how you can put stuff together. box guys out, use X or whatever it is on ps3 (i use the new setting or whatever its called, the one thats like PES/WE for controls) to send an AI player after the guy with the ball. try to keep the guy you're controlling in as many passing lanes as possible to intercept the ball when he passes due to pressure from your ai guy.

being good on defense and then counter attacking makes scoring very easy in fifa 10
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ive had mine preordered for 4 years...Fifa World Cup 06 was, and still is, my favorite soccer game to date surpassing Goal on Nintendo.
you liked it that much? i dont remember much except all you had to do was send a through ball and it'd work every time

ive been happy with every fifa game
i loved it, of course im more of a fan of international soccer than club soccer and starting with the normal fifa '06 they had some serious flaws that it doesnt seem got worked out til this year.
On pro with my created player I dominate, but I play a regular game on pro and get spanked most of the time.

Offline BAP I play on Allstar and can dominate quite easily. I've tried playing on Superstar in hopes of it being more of a challenge but the only difference I find is that I can't hit. Even after the whistle, if I come at a guy from behind (boy does that sound wrong!) with full speed and try to hit him, even though he is stationary I get knocked down. The physics in NHL10 are a joke. The entire game for that matter. I love hockey and will continue to play the game but I'd kill for a Fifa intelligent NHL game.