
And yet, the main problem above completely escapes his Jew riddled mind.
For as passionate as you are about American politics I would welcome you to migrant.. unfortunately

Trump administration rule to restrict green cards for welfare-reliant immigrants takes effect

I mean you are from a welfare state.. right?

wel·fare state
/ˈwelfe(ə)r ˌstāt/
noun: welfare state; plural noun: welfare states

a system whereby the government undertakes to protect the health and well-being of its citizens, especially those in financial or social need, by means of grants, pensions, and other benefits. The foundations for the modern welfare state in the US were laid by the New Deal programs of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

a country practicing a welfare state system

See? We are full. Sorry
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Even you slate? Disappoint

Bernie Sanders' socialism problem is real.

Socialism doesn’t freak out Democratic voters the way it freaks out other Americans. That’s a problem.

Democrats are very different not just from Republicans, but also from independents, who represent about 40 percent of Americans and about 30 percent of the electorate. Socialism is a loser among independents, and this makes it a liability in a general election. But Democrats don’t feel an aversion to socialism. So perhaps they don’t see the extent of the political danger.

Over the past year, numerous national polls have asked Americans whether they view socialism positively or negatively. In every poll, Democrats lean in favor of socialism, and independents don’t. In every poll, the opinions of voters or of Americans in the aggregate—Democrats, independents, and Republicans combined—add up to a net rejection of socialism.

Running as a democratic socialist isn’t as lethal as running as a socialist. But it’s still pretty bad. In an Emerson poll taken last summer, a plurality of independents (42 percent to 26 percent) said they wouldn’t vote for a self-described democratic socialist. In a November HarrisX poll, 64 percent of independents said they’d never vote for a democratic socialist.

In this month’s Yahoo News poll, a 47 percent plurality of independents said they wouldn’t consider voting for a presidential candidate who called himself a democratic socialist. And in the new Post/ABC poll, 37 percent of independents said they were less likely to support Sanders after hearing that he “identifies himself as a democratic socialist.”

These numbers explain why it’s so hard to stop Sanders in the primary, even though his opponents are correct that in a general election, his socialism would alienate independents and hurt him. The audience to whom these opponents are speaking—the Democratic primary electorate—doesn’t seem to want to hear it. If Sanders wins the nomination and loses the election, it won’t be because Republicans, on this question, falsely accused Democrats of being out of touch with America. It will be because that accusation was true
Also before we get too far into this and it is too late to claim anything later...

It would be much easier if Bernie died of a heart attack in his sleep rather than an outright move against Bernie for the nomination
Full blown TDS site.

Down-Ticket Democratic Candidates Are Running from Bernie - The Question Is Why

Down-ticket Democratic candidates are running for the hills to get away from Bernie Sanders, the Washington Post reports. Why is that? Could it be that they know something about the voters in their districts or states that make Bernie reverse catnip for those voters and their political chances? Could it be they are canaries in the coal mine trying to tell us something?

Wilson sees Sanders losing 40 states. This may be why Rethugs are trying to get their troops to vote for Sanders in primaries that allow crossover voting. It may be why Putin and Dump want Sanders to win. It may be why Bernie got an intelligence briefing that the Russians have operations supporting his candidacy. We all know Sanders is not in league with the Russians, but they’re in league with him, because he has the most baggage and is easiest to beat. If they can divide Dems while they’re at it, fine.

Plus, wait until hundreds of millions of dollars of attack ads go after Bernie on socialism and make him and his tax increases a risk to jobs, the economy and 401k’s. Some 61% of Americans say they are better off than they were three years ago, double-digits higher than any election going back to 1992. For many voters, political risk and good intentions stop at the pocketbook, if it looks like that is going to take a hit.

As Gallup found, just one type of potential American candidate, across all races and religions and sexual orientations doesn’t get majority voter support: a socialist. Some 53% of Americans would not vote for a socialist.

Sanders may be polling okay against Dump now, but he hasn’t gotten vetted by any major attack campaign. There’s a 747 worth of other baggage that Wilson knows Rethugs will go after Sanders on. We’ve heard about many of them on this site—the videos from Nicaragua to Moscow, the rape fantasy writings, the breadlines-are-okay comment. It’s not about how we react to these stories. It’s how they play and will be tweaked to play in the swing districts.

Which candidate can add to the House delegation, instead of subtract from it? Which can help us add four senators to take the Senate back in tough states like Iowa, Arizona, and Maine, and not subtract from what we have? Which can beat Dump and a massive lying, cheating, caricature-creating Rethug machine in the main Electoral College states in swing districts?

Dem candidates trying to separate themselves from Sanders in the districts that will determine the election are already telling us which candidate they don’t think it is.

I heard Trump is going to take us to communism in September. A little earlier than democrats were expecting but we will be able to skip the elections this way.

Long live Chairman Trump