
mommy it berns when i pee


Bernie train ready to go,
Waiting for passangers
Choochoo mother fucking cucks!
well thats cool

i wonder who the dems are gonna nominate this year despite his popularity

and i wonder how much of the money he'll keep

lol jk all of it
Can you imagine if he really was 'elected' by 'citizens'
Do you think he will finish the wall?

for Israel I mean...

Just kidding
We know he will
and Syria
I'm sure we'll have to bomb Syria still
I mean
They're (((our))) enemies
Can you imagine if he really was 'elected' by 'citizens'
Do you think he will finish the wall?

for Israel I mean...

Just kidding
We know he will
and Syria
I'm sure we'll have to bomb Syria still
I mean
They're (((our))) enemies

At this point I might just vote for Bernie

so that at least 50% of the country will be mad at him

and begin to further blame the jews (like they blame Trump)

and start seeing what we have been talking about but nobody will listen to

worth that sacrifice and tradeoff imo


open them flood gates

let the zombies have their pound of other peoples flesh

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anubis u ever get a job after that decade of college that didn't make you AT ALL employable?

you ever find a girl who wasn't your roommate that would be around you without locking her door at night because you are creepy and cringe as fuck?

you ever figure out how to pump your own gas for a living?

who am I kidding........

why absent and you want socialism in our country, given how sad your own lives are, is all i need to point out tbh. what it does to alleged men.

look at how well Macron is working out....how well Spain is doing just North-East of you

but sure your socialist government is saving your economy.....just as Merkel is saving the EU

your entire economy is based off of tourism (which is why your only employment prospects will be in hospitality to people like me who will piss on your streets again) and why your only prospects for money or a job is hoping that someone from abroad, a foreign land, will visit ruins from a place that was once prosperous and an empire

but will never ever be again

No wonder Greece and Italy are still more prosperous than your land will ever be

even after bankruptcy

your buildings look like a war torn Damascus

no wonder foreigners are trying to tell us who to vote for in a land they can't even afford to visit


let some of that soak in if you will and get back to me

I'll be lounging poolside in room 309

tell the people you hope to work for in hospitality sector i might need dry towels soon
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I think I prefer yang gang then cuck bernie. Letting the black lives matter people walk all over him just made me think "hell nah" not bernie ever. Dudes a door mat, then he campaigned with hillary after basically having it stolen from him. Nooooope
yeah he is

and I am feeling the bern already

Finlands Government Collapsed Under Weight Of Socialized Healthcare | Zero Hedge

Finland’s government has collapsed just weeks before the general election. New socialist and communist reforms have failed due to the rising costs of healthcare.

Healthcare costs, which are high because of governments, have caused the collapse of the Finnish government. Prime Minister Juha Sipila and the rest of the cabinet resigned after the governing coalition failed to pass reforms in parliament to the country’s regional government and health services, the Wall Street Journal reports.

no wonder absent and anubis want to spread their infection