[FATCUNTS] Eat Cheesecake - Lose Weight

kiint do you truly think carbohydrates are bad for you?

In short, no. However I am on a LCHF diet, and presently "carbs are evil" for me on this diet

I am shedding weight like a freight train and feeling fucking awesome (I am down to a weight I was before I joined TW in less than 2 months), but this isn't a lifestyle diet, its a shedding weight diet, once the weight has been shed, then carbs return but in an unprocessed (or minimal processed) form, and the lifestyle plan becomes akin to a Paleo diet (only not so rigorous) calorie counting will be done forever, currently in an app, and only until it becomes second nature and I can do it in my head. I weigh all my food, and until I memorise portions I will continue to do so.

The current plan is less than 30g of carb per day, but on the lifestyle plan over the course of about 3 months it is slowly increased up to about 100g-150g per day which is plenty enough to include lots of fruit, legumes, beans, wholewheat, wholegrain breads (made at home with freshly milled whole wheat not commercial shit and a 9 grain mix I have developed which includes flax, linseed etc), and so on. I am also building muscle mass while losing weight, I am now lifting double what I was when I started, and while I have about 6 months until I begin showing any abdominal definition, I am already beginning to see signs of calf/thigh definition (nowhere near runner level though yet).

Fuckstard really believes he knows everything, and absolutely hates the fact there are "fat cunts" who know more than him about nutrition. But hey, he's on a vegan diet and is an endurance athlete :rofl: so he must know everything ... right? ... RIGHT? Wait, wasn't Davey Jones also a vegan endurance athlete (mad runner), and didn't he just keel over for no reason at all? Yeah, that Vegan diet is the holy grail ... :rofl: fuckstard is such a suitable name.

If you're fat and want to lose weight genuinely, come and talk to me ... if you're trolling me, then fuck off. Its simple really, fuck the TW hate train.
butter cream cheese cheese cake this the best way 2 lose weight guys fuk the haters

haters gonna hate

carb gonna carb

Aww, isn't he a cute little chihuahua, yip yip yip, someone grab him a slut with a handbag so he can have a home.

I can't help him sorry, I am enjoying the lunch of kings ...


100g Watermelon
100g Green Grapes
50g Blue Brie
100g Greek Fetta

About 25g carbs total (my total carb intake for the day, planned) and about 600 calories which fits in perfectly with my 3 meals, 600 calories per meal daily plan.
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lol one vegan endurance guy dies recently, must be a bad diet

no fat guys die, like, ever

plate of watermelon, grapes and cheese :rofl:

edit: and yeah it makes total sense to get weight loss advice from someone who is fat. don't ask the people who have never been fat or exercise daily.
edit: and yeah it makes total sense to get weight loss advice from someone who is fat. don't ask the people who have never been fat or exercise daily.
Wow, if you want "weight loss advice" just ask the guys who have never been fat ... fucking genius.

:rofl: and you wonder why people laugh at you fuckstard.

lol one vegan endurance guy dies recently, must be a bad diet

no fat guys die, like, ever

It's important to point out to a complete fuckstard like yourself, the whole point of eating vegan is to "get healthy and not die young" whereas being fat is a well known recipe for early death. The concept you fail to grasp is that a healthy balanced diet is critical to a healthy lifestyle ... of which vegan is not balanced at all. Extremes kill you in the long term, and you're too clueless to get it ... but hey, one day you might just HNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG ... and the only thing that will piss me off is not being able to say "I told you so".

fucking weirdos.. eat w/e you want. just fucking run 2/3 hours per day. fucking weirdos

I know right, I mean I sleep 8 hours, work 8 hours, that leaves 8 hours in which to enjoy life ... and you know what, I want to spend a sizeable chunk of that busting ass in a gym to be stick thin ... :rofl:

I spend 1/2 hour max in the gym each day, which is perfect. I will never be ripped or run a marathon, but hey, lets be honest ... I really don't fucking want to either, I just don't want to be fat and feel like shit and I am doing that exact thing perfectly fine. Some people do, and kudos to them ... but not me, its a shame some people just don't get it.
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How about you quote where I said sustainable?

I have shifted to a "controlled vegetarian" diet as a way to lose weight quickly and wean the body off processed carbohydrates. I started this over 3 weeks ago and have lost almost 15kg (30lbs) already. In a couple of weeks I will be reintroducing certain fruits and meats. Its part a 6 month lifestyle change plan suggested by my GP and created with the help of the dieticians and nutritionists where I work.

But hey you know more than my GP, and the dieticians and nutritionists where I work ... you should start a TV show like Dr Phil or something with all the roid raging tards in the fitness forum and show the world how much shit you know about everything.

:rofl: this forum is really laughable now, part of the reason I hardly come here anymore.

my whole point of being vegan isn't to "get healthy and not die young" either. trying to explain to you about cortisol levels, lactic acid and nutritional stress would be a waste of time. saying i don't have a balanced diet while you eat grapes, watermelon and cheese for lunch is so unbelievably funny btw.

of everything though is your quote about people laughing at me. i don't get laughed at because im fat, so what's your excuse?
my whole point of being vegan isn't to "get healthy and not die young" either. trying to explain to you about cortisol levels, lactic acid and nutritional stress would be a waste of time. saying i don't have a balanced diet while you eat grapes, watermelon and cheese for lunch is so unbelievably funny btw.

of everything though is your quote about people laughing at me. i don't get laughed at because im fat, so what's your excuse?

:rofl: he threw cortisol levels, lactic acid and nutritional stress at me ... oh whatever the fuck does he mean :rofl:

People laugh at me because they hate me ... and they hate me because I am an arrogant know it all cunt. The difference between us is that I don't give a fuck unlike you :D
I just took a bit of time to read up on the correlation between weight, cortisol and stress ...

It was quite a funny read, I mean a genuine laugh, and if you're genuinely basing your vegan diet on the premise of the "cortisol" argument, then my hats off to your delusion.

The problem is, I couldn't find any peer reviewed material that clearly demonstrates a causal relationship between diet and cortisol production by the adrenal gland. Cortisol is produced as a response to stress by the adrenal gland, not as a response to diet. Insulin is the hormone that is directly linked to diet and weight gain by storing excess glucose (from a high carbohydrate, sedentary lifestyle) as body fat.

In the same way that a highly processed carbohydrate diet leads to insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes) a high stress lifestyle can lead to excess cortisol production and its associated metabolic syndrome (excess gluconeogenesis leading to cushings, etc) the reality is though, that its not diet itself that leads to this, but stress, and if you can correlate stress directly to an omnivorous diet and a vegan diet as being the solution, then please, bring on the peer reviewed material because I cant find it.

However, I do know a vegan diet turns you into a bitch by reducing your testosterone (science fact - Testosterone and cortisol in relationship to dietary nutrients and resistance exercise)

These findings are particularly important for athletes training intensely who may experience a decline in T(estosterone) concentrations due to overtraining. Furthermore, this scenario may be exacerbated by a diet very low in fat, which many athletes (e.g., wrestlers, gymnasts, etc.) consume.
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Wow, if you want "weight loss advice" just ask the guys who have never been fat ... fucking genius.

:rofl: and you wonder why people laugh at you fuckstard.

It's important to point out to a complete fuckstard like yourself, the whole point of eating vegan is to "get healthy and not die young" whereas being fat is a well known recipe for early death. The concept you fail to grasp is that a healthy balanced diet is critical to a healthy lifestyle ... of which vegan is not balanced at all. Extremes kill you in the long term, and you're too clueless to get it ... but hey, one day you might just HNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG ... and the only thing that will piss me off is not being able to say "I told you so".

I know right, I mean I sleep 8 hours, work 8 hours, that leaves 8 hours in which to enjoy life ... and you know what, I want to spend a sizeable chunk of that busting ass in a gym to be stick thin ... :rofl:

I spend 1/2 hour max in the gym each day, which is perfect. I will never be ripped or run a marathon, but hey, lets be honest ... I really don't fucking want to either, I just don't want to be fat and feel like shit and I am doing that exact thing perfectly fine. Some people do, and kudos to them ... but not me, its a shame some people just don't get it.

u really dont need more than 3 hours a week in the gym to see amazing results

ignorance is bliss fat man