Fare thee well TW

Wish Bear

Veteran XV
I'll be back from time to time....once a month or so I might check in.

My meds are amazing. I feel GREAT. All I want to do every night is party and meet chicks. I hardly spend any time online anymore. I haven't read a book in weeks. Therapy is going well, and I'm moving to Santa Cruz next month. I can't wait to talk to everyone walking around the boardwalk and beach. I love myself and my life now. WOOHOO!!!!

If any of you feel depressed check yourselves in instead of killing yourself and you'll be feeling like me. Its like I am a whole new person. Someone I always wanted to be but couldn't

Love you guys.

Waiting for the flames bitches.
you are now a drug dependent loser

your life is a mess

and your child hates you

steps to fix your situation:
1. find shotgun
2. set the butt on the floor
3. put toe on trigger
4. put barrel under your chin or in mouth(depends if your like the flavor)
5. pull trigger with toe

all is well
Wish Bear said:
I can't wait to talk to everyone walking around the boardwalk and beach


225mg Effexor
1mg Abilify
2mg Kolonopin
and for bet time 100mg trazadone

You sound a bit manic to be perfectly honest. Feeling like you're on the top of the world can be a bad sign as illogical as that might sound.

But I'm glad things have improved. Just keep in mind that you're going to have to keep a careful 'watch' on your thoughts for the rest of your life. (Or until there is a cure.)
a lot of people who don't have seizures take klonopin

abilify is a new-fangled anti-psychotic

effexor is probably doing the most for him