Fantasy/Sci-fi Book recommendations revisited

I took a break to read some non sci fi on predictive analytics and finally finished to start Way of Kings.

I can't decide if I like it yet or not, but it feels slow as shit and I typically have a pretty good tolerance for books like that.
I took a break to read some non sci fi on predictive analytics and finally finished to start Way of Kings.

I can't decide if I like it yet or not, but it feels slow as shit and I typically have a pretty good tolerance for books like that.

it does get better, its nothing amazing but not bad. it picks up about half way through.
are the Mistborn books better than Way of Kings?

feel pretty much the same as Apathy regarding Way of Kings, it was nothing special, but perfectly readable for the most part...
I took a break to read some non sci fi on predictive analytics and finally finished to start Way of Kings.

I can't decide if I like it yet or not, but it feels slow as shit and I typically have a pretty good tolerance for books like that.

It is slow to get going, but about half way through it pulled me in.

Still kind of meh overall, but it does pick up.

Painfully slow to get going though. At times it feels like the author is trying to copy Martin's style of endlessly describing pointless details for no reason other than to fill pages.
Y'know Coombs, the Mistbron books can get fucked to be honest...

I enjoyed the actual characters but the books got pretty ridiculous. I'm a fan of his writing but this one seemed like a whole heap of fantasy ideas spewed (ur using darts to pick combos) onto a storyboard somewhere. I think Abercrombie's stuff is far superior.

I now think of the Mistborn series in the same vein as the David Farland's Runelord books which I stuck with for about 6 novels and then metaphorically had some kind of brain haemorrage. It's like they have all the ingredients but they're missing the food processor.
dang its hard to sort through this thread to find some sci fi gems to read.

anyone read some good sci fi space-opera-ish epic books recently they can recommend? i seem to have already read a lot of the good titles by alasair reynolds, peter hamilton, and vernor vinge. some more light douglas adams type sci fi would be good too.

is the culture series from iain banks (RIP) worth reading?
yes Eggi, read surface detail or hydrogen sonata or matter by banks

also Ready Player One by some other dude f or lighter reading

no one really matches Douglas Adams but you could try some Terry pratchett if you haven't already...will post again if something else occurs to me, I feel like I'm forgetting someone
Old Man's War - John Scalzi [5/5]

Fucking amazing book. Like a mix between The Forever War - Joe Haldeman and Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein (two of my favorite books of all time).

I don't know about the sequels. Going to investigate after I finish Mookwalking With Einstein.
I took a break to read some non sci fi on predictive analytics and finally finished to start Way of Kings.

I can't decide if I like it yet or not, but it feels slow as shit and I typically have a pretty good tolerance for books like that.

Keep going, the first half (like others have said) basically just sets up the world, then dives into the story after
dang its hard to sort through this thread to find some sci fi gems to read.

anyone read some good sci fi space-opera-ish epic books recently they can recommend? i seem to have already read a lot of the good titles by alasair reynolds, peter hamilton, and vernor vinge. some more light douglas adams type sci fi would be good too.

is the culture series from iain banks (RIP) worth reading?

Use of Weapons is a totally great book

also Player of Games
Use of Weapons is a totally great book

also Player of Games

Both amazing reads, really enjoyed those.

Also the two most recent ones are good as well, Look to Windward and Hydrogen Sonata, although HS might just be sentimentally good since it is the last one.
Old Man's War - John Scalzi [5/5]

Fucking amazing book. Like a mix between The Forever War - Joe Haldeman and Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein (two of my favorite books of all time).

I don't know about the sequels. Going to investigate after I finish Mookwalking With Einstein.

#2 is great. #3/#4 are ok, they overlap about 80% of material with each other (same story, 2 povs)
So I started reading "Ready Player One"

From the first couple of pages I knew I was going to love it.
If you like the 80's or 80's pop culture references and you like video gaming and MMORPGs you will love this.

The 80's pop references may get a bit tedious especially having them explained but then again I lived through it so I guess it's for the benefit of you unlucky youngsters who missed out.

I have found that I really like reading stories about video games. Maybe about people playing a video game at least (also loved the RPG parts of Reamde).
It's a bit strange but reading about someone playing an RPG in a dungeon is somehow more compelling than straight dungeon/fantasy books.

Anyhow - I can hardly put it down so a big :bigthumb: go get it and read it.