Explain to me why "Plan B" should not be sold like candycorn from vending machines

holy shit i can't believe this guy is serious


you are just as dumb as the religious people against abortion

How so? Hardly a day goes by that I don't see somebody else's kid and think they should have considered "Plan B."

Call it self-selecting eugenics if you want. To most it's just common sense that people who don't want kids should not be forced to have them as punishment for having sex.
I am anti-abortion but I think plan B is perfectly acceptable. It's contraceptive...pregnancy never happens.
Question about increasing condom usage.

When using condoms is pushed onto kids these days what is stressed more? Condoms prevent pregnancy or STD's? Or maybe both.

If they pushed the STD thing over getting pregnant then maybe condom usage wouldn't drop that much at all with a pill like this.
Regardless of what's stressed more you know that if a guy is with a girl and he scenario is "Oh shit I don't have any condoms...oh well I'm sure she's clean and she can just get that pill in the morning".

Pregnancy is a fact of sex. People know it will eventually happen if they have unprotected sex. STDs are only a fact if the other person has them (duh). It's easy for people to believe that their partner is clean.
Regardless of what's stressed more you know that if a guy is with a girl and he scenario is "Oh shit I don't have any condoms...oh well I'm sure she's clean and she can just get that pill in the morning".

Pregnancy is a fact of sex. People know it will eventually happen if they have unprotected sex. STDs are only a fact if the other person has them (duh). It's easy for people to believe that their partner is clean.

And condoms aren't 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. And by looking at statistics I think its safe to say a lot of teens are having unprotected sex either way.
because for you to get an abortion ends up costing in the neighborhood of about 5k by the time its all said and done.

the pill cant cost, therefore make the doctor and the insurance company that much.
And condoms aren't 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. And by looking at statistics I think its safe to say a lot of teens are having unprotected sex either way.
They are when used in conjunction with a Doritos bag.
because for you to get an abortion ends up costing in the neighborhood of about 5k by the time its all said and done.

the pill cant cost, therefore make the doctor and the insurance company that much.

Where the fuck did you get the idea that doctors as a group were against this? How fucking retarded are you?
I don't know, I think if it came to replace condoms it wouldn't be bad. As long as it was cheap and people were well-educated about it. But I think some people would just be retarded and assume you could use it a week after the act, and end up with a kid. Other than that, if people can be responsible with it, it's basically the same as a condom.
I don't think it's supposed to be a pill you take as regular contraception. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think you just take it everyday after sex. It's more for "Oh fuck, the condom broke." It's probably loaded with hormones (like a super heavy dose of regular birth control).

So long as teens understood that it wasn't a magic birth control pill they could take 7 days a week then hopefully they'd either use condoms or at least get a more permanent solution like the birth control pill. But I don't think it could ever work as just "We don't use condoms, we use this every morning."
I think it would give people a false sense of security. More kids would be having unprotected sex and making the girls pop these pills in the morning. As a result, STD rates will begin to rise again.

Hypothetical question, would you rather the youth of today die or suffer from STD's or more of their dumbasses be born?
Saying "don't give them the pill, they'll fuck more" is no different from saying "don't give them condoms, they'll fuck more" or "don't teach sex ed in schools, they'll fuck more".

If the pill is safe, then release it to the public, and let them decide when to use it. This "family values" bullshit has no place in the FDA's decisons.
kids having sex is really not the biggest issue at hand here. kids will have sex no matter what you do. but as bew is pointing out, it's the fact that kids will use condoms much less, leading to a rise in STD rates
Ya, it is a huge influx of hormones. Messes with girls balance and whatnot.

About the STD thing, you can think your partner is clean because they look it, but you're probably setting yourself up.

Get tested.
Not unless you really need it? o_O

I've been tested before - blood and urine sample.

But that was just a basic test.. I doubt there is much else to it, though.
Plan B works the same way as birth control. It prevents the sperm from reaching the egg. If someone has beef with plan B, yet support birth controll, then they have no idea what they're talking about.