Executive Summary From House Jan. 6 Committee Report

one policeman dead from a heart attack and one protester dead from a policeman's misfired gun.

The greatest coup in history.

USA has never actually seen a real coup.
One thing January 6th showed was just how pathetic a divided America is. Put an exclamation point on mass confirmation bias.

It was never a coup, it was a protest that got out of hand with help of a few very determined operatives.

Those that participated are not patriots.

Trump handled the event very poorly.

Pence did the right thing.

The Democrats are using the event for a political edge.

The two parties want us divided, following either of them is bad for America. (This is my confirmation bias I guess).
What did you think Pence was going to be able to do? Overturn the election? NO It was about examining the selection that was and is happening in front of your blind face
And the D.C. Administrative Overstate didn't want to do that..
No more Machines
Same Day Voting
Extremely limited Vetted Sig mail in voting
One thing January 6th showed was just how pathetic a divided America is. Put an exclamation point on mass confirmation bias.

It was never a coup, it was a protest that got out of hand with help of a few very determined operatives.

Those that participated are not patriots.

Trump handled the event very poorly.

Pence did the right thing.

The Democrats are using the event for a political edge.

The two parties want us divided, following either of them is bad for America. (This is my confirmation bias I guess).

Trump offered the national guard hours before the protests got unruly but the democrats refused it. Kinda seems like they wanted shit to go sideways. With the help of fbi agents inside the crowds, it did.
Trump offered the national guard hours before the protests got unruly but the democrats refused it. Kinda seems like they wanted shit to go sideways. With the help of fbi agents inside the crowds, it did.

Nothing about any of that is true. He incited it from the beginning, and sat on his fat ass watching television while deciding whether or not to impose martial law and overturn the election.

The President can only mobilize the national guard in a national emergency; your claim of "he offered the national guard hours before" is completely made up.
wow, goes after the nothing
Pelosi should have had that in place days before
It was a Fedsurection clear as day
Now go away
The lesson is Trump sitting on a couch, waffling on a coup and not doing enough to stop it is nearly as powerful as the entire media working in coordination with federal agencies to suppress information and therefore clearly more dangerous.
"1776 again!"
"Don't tread on me!"
"The feds tried to overthrow themselves lol isn't it obviously antifa? I heard the cop that died was an FBI plant!"
One thing January 6th showed was just how pathetic a divided America is. Put an exclamation point on mass confirmation bias.

It was never a coup, it was a protest that got out of hand with help of a few very determined operatives.

Those that participated are not patriots.

Trump handled the event very poorly.

Pence did the right thing.

The Democrats are using the event for a political edge.

The two parties want us divided, following either of them is bad for America. (This is my confirmation bias I guess).
Today I learned that trying to illegally overturn election results and seize ballots by force does not constitute a coup attempt.
the fbi was paying a private company to censor americans online for making jokes and even requested location information for billy baldwin among others

im going to think about long covid and jan 6 instead lalala
I don’t believe a single word coming out of that committee. Biggest smear job since McCarthy.
aw dang, poor Trump

you can't even be a gross racist misogynistic xenophobe moron without the globalist conspiracy coming after you for absolutely no reason :(
I don’t believe in any politically motivated committee, they always manipulate with 1/2 truths.

Maybe 1/4 truths

Seems the only politically motivated folks were the dumbass Republicans who refused to participate, which only made it easier for everyone involved lol.
I don’t believe a single word coming out of that committee. Biggest smear job since McCarthy.
How could you not believe that Trump totally lunged for the steering wheel and then lunged for the throat of a highly trained secret security detail for not following his orders? This was but a small taste of all the totally believable evil deeds Trump did that fateful day.

tHiS iS mAgA cOuNtRy!