EVE: Valkyrie (Fanfest 2015 trailer)

Certainly looks better than Elite: Dangerous. No idea how it compares to Star Citizen.

It's a good time for space sims at least (mostly thanks to VR). :weird:
Looks awesome. Can't wait for Oculus or SteamVR and a bad ass story driven space game like Freespace 2.
nerd question

what was the game where the was the worldest biggest sapce battle that last like 48 hours and shit

dang i forgot

also how many good space freespace type games are there? freespace was p sick can someone list all the games in this genre

i dont follow nerd game shit ever
Nothing as good as Freespace man. The story was top notch. Some of the custom campaigns are pretty nasty too. Derelict, Transcend, Sync that I can remember (been like 8 years since I've last played)

With Freespace Open you can play them all w/ updated graphics and shit as well as Freespace 1 ported to new engine.
nerd question

what was the game where the was the worldest biggest sapce battle that last like 48 hours and shit

dang i forgot

also how many good space freespace type games are there? freespace was p sick can someone list all the games in this genre

i dont follow nerd game shit ever
That was actually EvE i think. Thousands of dollars worth of ingame ships destroyed because someone forgot to pay some fee or something.