[EU4][Paradox] Europa Universalis 4 beta signup

Wow. One of the first games to coin the genre-defining phrase "Grand Strategy".

Does that mean it's a strategy game they just think they're better than everyone else?
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does it have shitty combat, this series

that's one thing that really bothers me about these games and the reason I don't play them

they go to all the trouble of making the most intricate, complex, deep, involved game ever

and then just say fuck it let's make combat and military shit as boring and lifeless as possible
Yes, it does. It's like if you took a Total War game and increased the depth of the strategic map but cut out the real time battles. I always liked the strategic map parts of the Total War games better.

This is basically Crusader Kings II: Renaissance Edition.
but why spend years developing such an intricate game and just leave combat as a shitfest

I mean I'm not saying it needs full real time battles like Total War

but something moderately more interesting than, "you win" or "you lose"

like what would it take to program in some rudimentary little strategy mini-game or something, ten minutes?
There's a little more to it than 'you win' or 'you lose' but it's still pretty simplistic. The focus is more on higher level strategy like ensuring reinforcements, a little bit of army composition, dealing with attrition in harsh terrain and proper strategic positioning. The combat really isn't the focus of the game. The focus is everything surrounding combat such as strategic factors and WHY the combat is happening.

The combat in Hearts of Iron III is pretty much a wargame:


Wars with large fronts weren't really fought until the late 19th century though, they tended to be one big army vs another big army.
I tried playing HoI once, maybe the original or 2

I turned off the "realistic" settings and played as Canada, spent a year or two developing tech and training a small amphibious army and then tried to invade some shithole Carribean or South American nation in an attempt to create the new Canadian empire

my invasion failed miserably and then I stopped playing
loser ;)

i like the combat
circle surround and crush, morale, terrain bonuses or penalties, general leadership skills and such

i love these games, refered
three aint bad, and crusader kings 2 and victoria are pretty great

watch some youtubes if you've got troubles