[ENOUGH IS ENOUGH] kline vir from IRC

TW took 12 years to realize that Vir loves da shit out of his mallet?

[–]VirTW 1 point 3 minutes ago

Ownership of the irc server changed recently. New owner hates me, hates hirez, hates T:A, hates anyone who actually likes T:A. Allowed the channel to be taken over several times, pretending it was some mistake.

Had plenty of people messaging me telling me the real reasons for why things were going on. Had absolutely nothing to do with me banning anyone. 95% of my bans are of people who are there only to harass the channel. The other 5% are for the people who can't follow the rules for why the channel was formed in the first place.

that defense does make it sound like he was handing out bans left and right
Back when Tribes 2 was new, Vir banned one of my skillful teammates for some healthy smacktalk on a 5150 server pub.

I asked Vir to unban him so that he could participate in the official match we had coming up scheduled for that server and he refused saying "don't bite the hand that feeds you," so my teammate that did absolutely nothing wrong had to sit out that match.

I've got nothing against Vir and I don't think he's a bad d00d, but he's the last guy on Earth you ever want to give admin to.
rayn you need to remove the hirez kline, hirezapc is a community liaison and not having him is detrimental to the game
rayn you need to remove the hirez kline, hirezapc is a community liaison and not having him is detrimental to the game
What the game Hi-Rez has officially retired? And the guy from the company that has been slating the shit out of TW despite using its fucking servers and its members probably investing more in their game than any other?
What the game Hi-Rez has officially retired? And the guy from the company that has been slating the shit out of TW despite their community using its fucking servers and probably investing more in their game than any other?

oh right T:A retired and it doesn't matter either way

he's still an ok person