Elon slaps Bernie

In an alternate reality bernie and the “progressive caucus” would be leading the workers revolution across the country

But the corporate press would rather be talking about polarizing nonsense
the plebs have the right to mask up and get jabbed

they also have the right to work endlessly and increase output for an increasingly lower personal gain, those dumb anti science white supremacists
i remember when ppl on tw laffed when i bought tesla telling me how the company was going to be bankrupt in 5 years tops
I bought in early Nov 2019 when shortselling was on everyone's lips. I knew it was a good bet and it turned out to be the best bet I ever made.
Meh, low hanging fruit. Dems have been smacking Bernie around since he was a boomer-in-training.
Aside from the fact taxation is theft, I imagine people, rich and poor alike, in general wouldnt oppose taxation increases if it meant they would see the services and benefits.

Could you imagine living in a city like la or nyc and paying taxes out ypur ass but then have to walk over homeless people and dodge looters on your way to your work

Yes. I can imagine that ;)