Elon slaps Bernie


Veteran XX
(Bloomberg) -- Elon Musk, the world’s wealthiest person, began his Sunday sparring with U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, who tweeted a day earlier that “we must demand that the extremely wealthy pay their fair share.” Musk even raised the notion of selling more of his Tesla Inc. shares, which would require him to pay taxes on the gains.

“I keep forgetting that you’re still alive,” Musk, the chief executive officer of Tesla and SpaceX, tweeted in a reply to the 80-year-old senator from Vermont. In a subsequent tweet, Musk asked: “Want me to sell more stock, Bernie? Just say the word…”

Musk offloaded almost $7 billion worth of Tesla stock over the past week, which helped to push the automaker’s shares down about 15% for the week. Musk’s stock sales began after he tweeted an unusual poll Nov. 7 on Twitter asking whether he should sell.

Musk didn’t mention in his prior tweets that he had millions of stock options that must be exercised before they expire in August 2022. He said in September that he was likely to exercise “a huge block” of those options toward the end of 2021. Musk is worth about $286 billion as tracked on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

In October, Musk said Tesla would move its headquarters from California to Austin, Texas, a state which levies no income tax. On Saturday, Musk tweeted that he’s been living in a small home in South Texas for the past two years. “Feels more homey to live in a small house,” he wrote.

Sanders, a Vermont independent who caucuses with Democrats, chairs the Senate Budget Committee and has long advocated for the wealthy to pay more taxes. In March, Sanders tweeted that the amount of wealth accumulated by Musk and Amazon.com Inc. co-founder Jeff Bezos was “immoral.” Musk also recently chided U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon and chair of the Senate Finance Committee, who had pushed for a wealth tax on billionaires.
Elon Musk offers $US6 billion to UN World Food Programme if it can prove it'll end world hunger

Elon Musk offers $US6 billion to UN World Food Programme if it can prove it'll end world hunger
Posted Tue 2 Nov 2021 at 2:27amTuesday 2 Nov 2021 at 2:27am
Multi-billionaire Elon Musk has a diagnosis of Aspergers
Elon Musk appeared sceptical his offered donation of $US6 billion would "solve world hunger".
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Elon Musk, the world's richest person, says he will donate $US6 billion ($8 billion) to the UN's initiative to address world hunger if the global body can meet his terms.

Multi-billionaire Elon Musk has a diagnosis of Aspergers, lol, ns abc. only visible if you copy the text.
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I used to not really like him many years ago. A good friend of mine was always a massive fanboy and I just didn't get it. Also Tesla cars kinda sucked at the time.

But Musk won. He's a winner. Im a fanboy now too.
i remember when ppl on tw laffed when i bought tesla telling me how the company was going to be bankrupt in 5 years tops
Reading his biography at the moment

Dude has achieved amazing things but sounds like an asshole to work for, unfortunately my boss models himself upon him.

He manages the asshole, gaslighting bit, also good at raising money, fails at the intellect and project management ability.

I would still go and work at Tesla though, I did have an offer once, way back when.
rly elon comes off like a top flite douchebag, even by tech exec standards

definitely the sort of fag who'd pause mk w/o warning and look up a finisher in gamepro while everybody waits
lol taxes

how about between the government and the ultra wealthy, they figure out a way to increase wages, and/or effectively deal with inflation, and/or provide decent work hours for americans, before the entire supply chain collapses
Aside from the fact taxation is theft, I imagine people, rich and poor alike, in general wouldnt oppose taxation increases if it meant they would see the services and benefits.

Could you imagine living in a city like la or nyc and paying taxes out ypur ass but then have to walk over homeless people and dodge looters on your way to your work
lol taxes

how about between the government and the ultra wealthy, they figure out a way to increase wages, and/or effectively deal with inflation, and/or provide decent work hours for americans, before the entire supply chain collapses

how about we let it collapse, let 3/4 of us die in famine and war and then the leets can enjoy having solved the global warming problem
imagine being boomer bernie and thinking taxes are more important than ppl striking and union busting and a pandemic being exploited by corporations at the cost of the health of the american public and and and