Elon Musk just bought Twitter

data was replying to the second quote in sam's post referring to other people fired; not the janitors

groove picked up the retard slant and now he's handing off to the dynamic duo

no one said the janitors were h1b's

until data quoted sam's post which omitted the prior quoted text and groove misconstrued the thread

it's pointless to engage w/ u people lmfao
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gramps had a stroke so he's always a few steps behind

let us know if you need us to create a safe space for you gramps Joop
oh ok u guys win the janitors were unionized h1b visa dot not feathers coders with feels and famblies and christmas
the janitors are h1bs? dang the states are more hurting for talent than i thought

the h1bs are the only coders left as far as i've heard and elong setup beds in offices so they can work all waking hours lest they be deported lol i love it


Following conversations is hard. :(
data face facts you said it

"the janitors were h1b visa recipients and they'll have to go home"

it's all up there in blue and white

carl I already agree and you guys are right data said it groove and carl and jason totally nailed it
bunch of zoomer devs... probably wrote the whole stack in javascript :lol:

should send in our boi NGFM
rewrite it all in PICK
make it run likety split :cheers:
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the h1bs are the only coders left as far as i've heard and elong setup beds in offices so they can work all waking hours lest they be deported lol i love it

Work these 3rd worlders to the bone. "Well, you can always go back home and do... nothing. Your choice." Gotta take advantage of this cheap labor.
just elon and his h1bs living on the company plot dubai style digging through the tweets for hunters dick pics

he paid $44 billion for this
remember when all the conservatives hated twitter and said it was a liberal shithole

now they love twitter and the slaves working for it

lmfao can't even make this up :lol: