Egg in Ramen?

Gonna have to say this thread made me a believer.

Just dropped an egg (whipped up since thats the way I thought I'd like it) in when the noodles were soft. Spicy Chicken kind. Good :)
Ramen is like the kebab of Japan. You eat it when it's 4am and you're wondering the streets drunk off your face and needing some food.

Only egg they toss in over here is half a hard boiled egg.
Cheese sounds gross.
Going to have to try the egg/ramen thing.... It's been a while, and I have a shit ton of ramen.

How well does it end up microwaved, because I rarely make my ramen on the stovetop.
Okay so I'm now a convert to the egg in ramen movement. I like that the egg thickens it so I don't have to drain any water.

My recipe:

I crumble the ramen, dump into a microwave safe glass bowl. Add enough hot water to cover the ramen. Add two chopped green onions. Microwave 4 minutes on high. While it's nuking I beat two eggs in a small cup with a fork. As soon as it's done in the microwave I slowly stir in the eggs. Wait a few minutes until the noodles have swollen and then add the sauce packet.

I've tried variations where I add some baked chicken tenderloin after the eggs, or a chopped up piece of link sausage with the onions before cooking. I just ate it with sausage and some Trappey's Bull Hot Sauce a few minutes ago. Next time I think I might use a little Kikkoman Teriyaki Baste & Glaze instead of hot sauce.

This thread originally inspired me but I didn't have any Ramen handy as I don't purchase that stuff. However, I did have some lipton noodle soup in the cupboard so I cooked some and stirred an egg in. Delicious.
Then I tried it a couple days later only put a whole egg in and let the yolk cook...absolutely delicous.
OK I found the ultimate soup egg combo.

There is a Vietnamese place down the road and for $5 bucks they give you a ginormous bowl of Ramen type soup with pork(lolcatlol), beef, or chicken and you can have them add eggs.
