E3 2012

why do they keep releasing star wars games based on the old republic bullshit universe?

there's so much cool canon from the hundred or so books set after the movies. you can make a new x-wing game and there's like 30 plots out there already written around gigantic space battles

every time they make game in the old republic universe they just make a bunch of shit up
I'm just ready for Microsoft and Sony to finally release new consoles so that they're no longer holding back the graphics quality on 80% of new titles.

I mean, 8 years between hardware cycles? Really?

Oh, and where the hell is The Last Guardian? I want my giant cat-griffin friend! :cry:
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Yea they should make a game about Chewbacca's death by having a moon fall on him. Great stuff.
How many star wars books did you have to read before you realized it was drivel but have to defend it regardless because you've committed so much time to them?
How many star wars books did you have to read before you realized it was drivel but have to defend it regardless because you've committed so much time to them?

i read a bunch of them as a teenager

how many women had to reject you to make you angsty??
E3 used to be about getting a rumor of something new. But they hide everything so well, that no one gives a shit any more. It's nothing but fluff talk.