DX10 pic.

Blotter said:
yeah... theres no way thats computer generated...

and what are you basing that conclusion off of? your dx10 card and the quality of water it renders?

or are you seriously suggesting microsoft, who designed dx10, is releasing fake screenshots to the press that are just crappy cut and paste photoshop jobs? is vista a photoshop too?
So what would be the point of having uber realistic looking water when the rest of the graphics look like shit? (by comparison to the trees and mountain textures)
It looks like they just put a water texture on that image that corresponds to a fluid dynamic normal map.

The DX9 picture is a poor example of a water effect anyway. You can do much better with the current shaders that are in there.

And I would also like to see better demos of the real cool shit in DX10 like the new geometry shader and the realtime displacement.
Zengei said:
It saddens me that I actually have to use a post by triple, Tribalwar's biggset douchebag, to disprove something in a thread.

Because Microsoft would never use a photoshoped picture just to generate hype.
Dangerdoggie said:
Because Microsoft would never use a photoshoped picture just to generate hype.
Woah, there nelly. Look at what I was disproving and tell me exactly how your statement relates to that.
Nutcracker said:
Well those "shots" are from the developers who are part of Microsoft but I still believe that the second one is fake.

ok FSX is releasing fake screenshots despite having a beta ongoing..

think the beta testers might call bullshit, turbo?

of course its a render but its not FAKE. you just render in 3ds max what you would tell the in game engine to render using DX10 specs. That's completely different from photoshopping a lake into a picture.
triple said:
ok FSX is releasing fake screenshots despite having a beta ongoing..

think the beta testers might call bullshit, turbo?

of course its a render but its not FAKE. you just render in 3ds max what you would tell the in game engine to render using DX10 specs. That's completely different from photoshopping a lake into a picture.
Yeah sure thing, guess those reflections being the same despite the fact that the waves are completely different mean nothing to you. Ok maybe they are just applying the shader some stupid way flat over the top using the direct x 9 path, but they wouldn't need to do that at all if they were doing a proper render based on the waves and reflections.

The beta test isn't running in direct x 10 mode, is it?

It's a bullshot, render or not.
I got news for you - most screenshots are "renders". How do you think they get the models and explosions so perfectly accurate?

Of course, anyone who isnt a retard knows "render" is the same thing the in game engine does 60 times a second. All 3ds does is add control and cool features like letting you see what dx10 will look like before dx10 can be rendered in realtime.

All dx10 hardware is going to do is render what they're doing in 3ds max software multiple times per second - in hardware. Thats the whole of point of getting hardware - it does the shit faster, but it doesn't do it differently.
Most screenshots are renders, no shit. They are all rendering the world. Real screenshots are real time renders. WIth 3ds renders taking hours or longer, just as you say. But you think this is a render in 3ds max, I don't.

I've also got news for you, most developers will release early shots combining ingame assets and photoshop work to make the shots look how they will in the future. It's common practice these days and that's exactly what they are doing here, they think it's going to look like this.
It isn't "early ingame assets" the game is IN BETA RIGHT NOW. There are sites reviewing beta builds of this game NOW. Its released in about 2 months. Its early by no standard.
As cool as farcry and other games with water looked when they first showed up... i was getting used/ofn of every water shot in a game looking like a nice glassy day at the beach. Now hopefully they'll start mixing up all the different ways water can look given different situations...