DX10 pic.

^^ yep i'm pretty sure this is just a PS with the first screen blended with a real pic of water
Look at the edges of the lake, looks like a PS job. If it's not then water tech has advanced leaps-and-bounds overnight

edit: I'm pretty slow.
it's bullshit, they copied the exact reflections from the first pic, haha weak fake
SexPistol said:
look at where the water meets the coast

its all blurry

i think this is a fake
that and if they can make the water look that good, they could do a better job with the trees. they look like shit.
eh....why do these things not bother me anymore? BTW it doesn't even look to be a real SS....looks PS'd

They last thing on my mind now-a-days is how badass my rig is...i've settled with top notch xp3200 and a hefty x800xtpe and i dont think im going to upgrade anything for a while....

No reflections from that sea would be the same as an old pic. Even if they were using some bullshit method to get the reflections based on the direct x 9 path then they'd have to be taken at the exact same time as the original.
Blotter said:
that and if they can make the water look that good, they could do a better job with the trees. they look like shit.

those are autogen trees, there are about 1000 of them on screen at any one time. how much power do you think it would take to make them look good? water is easy, its just a matter of shaders.
triple said:
those are autogen trees, there are about 1000 of them on screen at any one time. how much power do you think it would take to make them look good? water is easy, its just a matter of shaders.
err, there is alot more going on in that water than just shaders.
You know what I did? I turned Battlefield 2's graphics details to the bottom. After a minute of playing, I forgot I did it. I am beyond caring about graphics, it's like some Nirvana thing.

Yes, I'm just trying to break this thread up.
whatever. my point was it applies universally. trees have to occupy space and render each one individually. I have a pretty good pc and fs9 (that came out like 2 years ago) still owns my pc.

microsoft designs flight sim software so it still looks good 2-3 years from now.. even if you buy the ultra high end now itl still run any new FS game like absolute shit. they scale their graphics to be competitive with hardware thats going to come out, not hardware that IS out.
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