[drunk] fuck you

it has become so increasingly difficult to get drunk now that i usually just end up with a "strong buzz" let's say, followed by "strong shits" the morning after

but i remember the good old days when two long islands would obliterate me and i'd be incapable of typing a coherent sentence. now if i'm drunk, i'm actually quite well aware of my fingers
nowadays to get retarded it'll take me on the order of 6-8 beers and 3-5 shots in a 2-4 hour time span i'd say.

Alternatively 8-10 beers and 5+ shots in an average time span.

I feel you on the stomach issues following day though, but honestly i'll probably get them worse if i drink in the range of 5-7 beers just chillin and hit the hay... not sure why though.
None of you could hang with my grandma. Old lady puts away two 18 packs of bud heavy every week on her own. Been like that ever since I can remember. If she gets good scotch in her hands it's over. I used to wake up as a kid at her place and she'd be sittin there flippin pancakes, beer in hand. I dunno how long she can keep goin. She's 70 and still truckin. Ironicly her husband, my grandpa, died of liver cirrhosis. He hardly even had wine with dinner
Guys guys, can we focus here? He's sooo wasted at his officer party that he started posting on an internet forum. Don't get me wrong, I love TW, but that party must be fucking weak.

This is almost as bad as Jim
it has become so increasingly difficult to get drunk now that i usually just end up with a "strong buzz" let's say, followed by "strong shits" the morning after

but i remember the good old days when two long islands would obliterate me and i'd be incapable of typing a coherent sentence. now if i'm drunk, i'm actually quite well aware of my fingers


My pals & I once made a Tequila Sunrise in a spagetti pot.
Walking home that night I tied my shoes sixty seven times.

My pals & I once made a Tequila Sunrise in a spagetti pot.
Walking home that night I tied my shoes sixty seven times.

I'd be way to gone to count anything let alone count all the way up to 67. Not to mention the whole tying your shoes business
I'd be way to gone to count anything let alone count all the way up to 67. Not to mention the whole tying your shoes business

Try to keep up with me here, I didn't count, but every seven steps my shoes felt unevenly tied.
And I redid them.
Over and over again.
I also seem to remember singing Chistian hymns.
Tequila makes me stupid.
it has become so increasingly difficult to get drunk now that i usually just end up with a "strong buzz" let's say, followed by "strong shits" the morning after

but i remember the good old days when two long islands would obliterate me and i'd be incapable of typing a coherent sentence. now if i'm drunk, i'm actually quite well aware of my fingers

well if you're fat, lose weight (jk) but if you're aiming to get drunk you need to drink like it. line up 5 shots of whiskey, shoot em all down in a line w, wait ten minutes, then do the same then with 3. then drink afterwards to maintain shittyness.

If this doesn't work, sorry bud but you're f'd in the a
Something tells me that the OP will FORGET making this thread LOL!

cuz he cantforget but he is drunk and will forget

