Don’t do your job you could go to jail, Boarder Patrol

I would definitely understand some punishment. I don't buy it that since no one was hurt it was okay to not report firing their gun at someone, and if he did think the guy had a gun, then it's up to whether you believe that or not to whether the shooting was justified.

But 20 years in prison? That's bizarro stupid.
That is some serious bullshit.

They should have commended the officers for confiscating the fuckton of weed, and reprimanded them for their poor shooting skills, as that worthless sack of shit should be dead now.
That is some serious bullshit.

They should have commended the officers for confiscating the fuckton of weed, and reprimanded them for their poor shooting skills, as that worthless sack of shit should be dead now.

They were going too... infact one of the agents was on the nomination list for "Border Guard of the Year (2005)" for all he's done in stopping the flow of drugs into America. His nomination was revoked.

So let me get this straight... according to american law... all I have to do if stopped by the Border guards is to turn my back to them and then run as fast as I can towards America... and there is nothing they can do? Even if my van is full of prime British Columbian Weed.... I just need to exceed the speed limit and you guys can't chase me wihtout the risk of being thrown into jail?

Gimme a break.

They didn't kill him. As it turns out, he's a drug smuggler and hence an enemy of america. So they made mistakes which taint otherwise outstanding service records (you're nominated as agent of the year for fuck sake)... you don't lock the guys up for 20 years, a penalty worse then the sentance most "illegals" would get for assaulting a Border Guard while trying to smuggle drugs into the country.

America, You are on the way to destruction, make your time.
cant violate the civil rights of a non citizen, while in the commission of a no less than 3 federal offenses and violence.

this is an example of judicial activism that has been going on for decades now. liebrals seem to think they can make laws from the bench. it just so happens that they are the most ignorant of Americans, because they have never read the Constitution. They are the true wannabe empire builders.

judicial activism often occurs when citings of the case are done on prior cases and laws within countries other than the US. I am sure this is the issue here.

As far as the case is concerned, I heard an interview with Ignacio ramas today. prior to the interview the radio show host went over the specifics of the case and what has transpired since. A couple of the jurors are now saying that they felt pressure from the head juror to verdict against the agents because the head juror wanted it to be a quick case because it was "Spring Break". Both former agents are now waiting for their appeals to go forward to the appeals court, where the verdict will obviously be overturned.