Don’t do your job you could go to jail, Boarder Patrol

ElectroWaffle said:
fucking retarded politics right there

i would have shot the mexican in the fucking back of the head had he beat up my friend and was an illegal
So wait, explain this statement...

You would have shot him if he was an illegal because that makes him less human?

You would have shot him if he was an illegal because that legal distinction makes him less deserving of basic forgiveness, compassion, and understanding (Jesus-talk) than someone who was born with or earned US citizenship?

You would only have shot him if he was an illegal because you are too big of a pussy to follow through with what you believe is the right course of action if it would mean you'd legally be in the clear?

My point is that, as I'm sure these guys would say they would do the same thing over again, even knowing the consequences, that your actions shouldn't change because this guy was an illegal. If what he did warranted shooting, then he should have been shot whether or not he is a US citizen.
Pachacutec said:
you fucking retard. the "wetback" vote is going straight republican.
Please don't tell me that's the only part of that whole post you objected to? I mean, I hope you're being sarcastic, but if not......
TimTheEnchanter said:
So wait, explain this statement...

You would have shot him if he was an illegal because that makes him less human?

You would have shot him if he was an illegal because that legal distinction makes him less deserving of basic forgiveness, compassion, and understanding (Jesus-talk) than someone who was born with or earned US citizenship?

You would only have shot him if he was an illegal because you are too big of a pussy to follow through with what you believe is the right course of action if it would mean you'd legally be in the clear?

My point is that, as I'm sure these guys would say they would do the same thing over again, even knowing the consequences, that your actions shouldn't change because this guy was an illegal. If what he did warranted shooting, then he should have been shot whether or not he is a US citizen.

He's an illegal. Entering the u.s. illegally makes him a federal criminal. Doing it while in the commission of not one, but atleast 2 felonies, one of them violent and commited against a federal law enforcement official makes him a dirty mexican worthy of being shot.
No you stupid fucking idiot, if i were out in the desert, doing my damn job, with my comrade/coworker/friend/whatever, and someone i was looking for came out of the bushes and beat the shit out of or possibly attempting to kill my comrade/coworker/friend/whatever then ran away as i came to my comrade/coworker/friend/whatever's aid. I would shoot them in the back of the fucking head regardless of who they were. If it were an illegal though it was just give me something to beat-off to whenever i got home.

You fucking cuntstained hippy.
the desert's pretty big, wetbacks die there every day. put a bullet in him, push him under a bush, have a nice day pedro.
that is true, but i would still do it in the particular situation

thats why im sticking to advertsing and spanish, my fuse is too short to work with guns
Dai Shinzo said:
That is completely fucked up.

its really not.. it appears that they broke several laws and departmental regulations.. one could easily re-write this article from another point of view and demonize them..

fact of the matter is they broke the law, doesnt matter against who.
JuggerNaught said:
the desert's pretty big, wetbacks die there every day. put a bullet in him, push him under a bush, have a nice day pedro.
yah no shit, and dont tell the boss "oh hey we shot this spic hahaha IN THE BACK HAAHHAHA"
cant violate the civil rights of a non citizen, while in the commission of a no less than 3 federal offenses and violence.
Gangrel said:
its really not.. it appears that they broke several laws and departmental regulations.. one could easily re-write this article from another point of view and demonize them..

fact of the matter is they broke the law, doesnt matter against who.

This is why if I am ever brought to the point of deadly force I'm going to ensure the person dies. God forbid someone commiting a crime sues me later.
like i said, if they are being tried under texas law, and not federal, then they were most likely actually charged with official oppression, which applies to all persons
Dai Shinzo said:
This is why if I am ever brought to the point of deadly force I'm going to ensure the person dies. God forbid someone commiting a crime sues me later.
yea... its usually a good idea
if its worth shooting once, its worth shooting 10 times ;)

but... not in the back

(though one of my training officers said sometimes it is warranted... but not in this situation)
you cant shoot anyone in the back in texas, you also cant carry fence cutters in your back pocket while on someone elses property
First off gangrel he wasn’t shot in the back he was shot from the side and it passed through his cheek. He had something shiny in his hand and the officer that fired thought his partner had been shot. There is no way of knowing if the bastard had a gun as he fled across the border.

Second they were not tried under Texas law they were tried under federal

And to answer aids waters question of how the bastard filed this in court our great homeland security department went to Mexico found the guy and gave him immunity if he would testify against these officers.
from what i read in that article (and ill admit i didnt read the entire thing that closely, but at least skimmed the whole thing) it had no mention of him thinking his partner was shot. merely having a shiny thing in your hand is not reason enough to use deadly force.. now if he had pointed it at the agent in a threatening manner, then sure, blow him away.

nevertheless, fleeing the scene of an aggravated assault does not warrant deadly force, nor do any drug offenses.

and since they were in the middle of nowhere, a reasonable person would most likely NOT think that others were in imminent danger