Don't do steroids, kids...

All the exercise I need I get from working. Even when I played hockey or when I was in the military I was never much for gyms. Managed to always stay strong and fast by just working hard daily.

I was always competitive though, so maybe that was my edge. No one could climb staging as fast as me, always lugged two bags of cement, always sprinted up stairs etc. I’m still in fairly good shape, but I’m no longer trying to out compete anyone.

One thing that always stuck with me growing up in the trades was just how useless a gym rat was at actual work. They worked their muscles in a counterproductive way to actual work, so the skinny guy could actually outwork the muscle guy at moving heavy material up staging like brick and mud.

So there is my bias.
so what u are saying is you prefer twinks over buff bros

Nah. What he was saying was that exercises at the gym don't always reflect necessary muscle use IRL.

Example: Squats (with or without extra weight).

More practical would be a variation where you'd repeatedly sit and stand from a living room chair.
I grew up on a farm, never worked out, and played in every sport there was which meant practice 5 times a week. At 6'0, 165lbs I was 'scrawny' yet way more athletic than most gym rats. I would wrestle the champ 20lbs+ my weight in gym just to keep it competitive.

But would I be even stronger if I spent time specifically on weight training and diet? Definitely.

I don't frown on average dudes getting stronger. Good for them. They are better than they were before.
gym rat muscles r rock hard when they flex

~wiry~ (aka working) dood muscles r still rock hard when they r relaxed

it's like comparing the flavor of big fat supermarket tomatoes from mexican greenhouses vs. garden tomato from big mama in sicily
I don't know that I'll ever get the mass some people do, negatives of schizophrenia really cuts down your ability to drive yourself. I'm so weak right now I hardly bench the bar. I got good legs because I used to walk all the time, and now I swim a little here and there, its just so hard to go a full 45min I make about 30min and I'm dead tired in my limbs and theres no extra gas in the engine.

Keep up the exercise guys, really nice to have you guys explain good upper body exercises even if its just the names of the movements.