Don't do steroids, kids...

Look, I have advised you to quit with the never-ending quest for increasing poundage or you will injure yourself. Now, you make a thread with someone self-inflicting a massive injury and then start talking about how much weight you are pushing. It's not harsh for harshness sake - you are going to hurt yourself. Age gracefully. Stay in shape. Tailor your activity in the realm of reasonable.

No one will be that impressed even if you push twice the world record for anything. It's a gym. Meatheads might go "ooooo". But for what purpose? Getting a chance to prance around in a posing pouch with Keith and Rod?

So, you might see it as harsh but it's rooted in not wanting to see a "So, I tore my spine out" thread.
Well alright then. Thanks. And you're right, I am genuinely dumb enough to keep smashing it until I and up in hospital again.

So thanks for the advice, which on a positive note I will totally fail to listen to.
I wouldn't expect anything different. I'll sit tight until the "I burst a hemorrhoid and went to the hospital for blood" thread.
been wondering what would be good to strengthen my shoulders.

Had my supraspinatus (part of the rotator cuff) reattached to the bone last year so have been very hesitant about lifting much with it. Been doing a bit of swimming but that irritates it with too much rotation.

Don't want to start doing vertical rows or something stupid and mess it up again.
Just back from physio. Surgeon is telling me surgery is the only way to fix it, physio says not, so we'll see. Couple of small rotator cuff tears and something called an Acromiom. Haven't benched for almost a year but physio just told me I need to start again but light. Reckons I can't fix it without loading it.

How the fuck did you rip your supraspinatus off?

Don't do upright rows ever. Completely unnatural movement which will properly fuck everything.
I'm not really sure how I did it. I suspect swinging along the monkey bars with a five year old hanging from my back

had been doing physio and chiro for years to get rid of neck pain, the more I did the worse it got.

Finally I got a proper scan and they were like ummm, did you know ...

turned out it had finally worn pretty much through the bursa so I was getting that bone on bone thing, so no wonder it wasn't getting better

after surgery it now feels almost like new again, 2020 lockdown probably helped a lot b/c it prevented me from doing pretty much everything, so it got a nice long rest.

Still gets a bit sore, but compared to spending most of the day with my arm curled over my head to stop the pain, it's a big improvement :)
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Bet you can't leg press 1100 midxe. Also kill yourself.

Are you one of those asswipes with twigs for legs that loads up 1100 and then does a 3 inch range of movement while screaming then fucks off and leaves the plates all loaded up? I bet you are. I hate those cunts. I could press 1100 like that all day long but there's zero benefit, so I load up 900 and do full ROM sets of 8. That means knees past a 90 degree bend, try and do 500lb like that and please post pics of your legs snapping in half.
I saw a video of the surgery to reattach that pec anchor tendon and this doctor was 2 knuckles deep with a pair of forceps in this meathead's pec trying to get the tendon to reattach. The bruising the next couple days was crazy. I can't imagine how much that hurt
Is this the injury thread?
good day bad day
Finally after basically no swell for two weeks,
today, 5-7 ft faces, offshore winds, beautiful long lines to carve on

Middle of the session I was paddling into a head high wave but a little too late, so I tried to pull back and let the board go over and oops, I too got sucked over
Clasp my hands around my head to protect from the board and
found the bottom
rocks and sea urchins
didn't hit too hard, but the back of my hand got stabbed by spines
came up with a bloody hand and started pulling half inch spines that broke off
didn't seem bad, little sore, and continued to surf

Got home latter, cleaned it up.
Now it's pretty swollen and stiff
Weird thing is I've had one stomach muscle cramp up and strange arm cramps
maybe the toxin from these things... Hope I can surf tomorrow, but it's getting pretty sore and stiff. I still get minor cramps if I don't move right, but the idea of some toxin causing it is a little bit disconcerting. I've gotten these things in my foot before and if you don't dig out the whole piece it can infect and take a long time to heal. I will probably have to do a bit more digging tomorrow, I can still see some specks,,,but I just think the ones I pulled out went pretty deep and left their poison.

something something spider-bite style thread coming later.

Hate those fucking things. Well, at least getting jabbed by them. Heal up. That new board is coming soon.