donald trump is an evil pedophile - healthcare is a human right

Yeah i kinda doubt dare is a 'multimillionaire'. Getting money from an inheritance, thats plausible, but he doesn't seem to have his shit together enough to have generated that kind of money.
Does nobody wish we could go back to 2008 when health insurance was 1/2 the price it is now before Obama said it was too expensive and then fucked it up?

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tribes talk has been the only tribes forum here since t:v came out

this is a neocon circlejerk dead forum of racists
tribes talk is for the sub IQ mental midgets who can't carry on a conversation and resort to calling people racist, trumpanzies, etc when they can't keep up.
name-calling is saying something like dent head over and over because its made up

you being racist and being a trump supporter isn't made up

its like saying mri scans showing conservatives more likely to be low iq arent science

they are
i had a few accounts before this 2003 reg but never wanted to post on tw despite being told to many times

the worst time was when 9/11 happened and the forum went from a chill place to a megathread about going to war and everyone was supporting killing all the "terrorist" brown people

wat the fuk
wasabi fundamental muslims are just as batshit as our baptists. everybody hates whitey due to circumstance but the popular opinion is that their own race would have done it so much better. i'm not sure that's the case. sure this country is corrupt as fuck but if you do your homework in school you can do alright. europe excluded, in other parts of the world things can be a bit dicier. i don't expect things to head straight to hell on day one, but to pretend that this isn't more of the same (obama renigging on public option and pocketing cash), tarnishing the democratic public opinion and setting the stage for the ideological son of trump.... i just don't know