does Captain Tard stalk anyone else?

Poor Apathy, how's the animal savings going today?
he's so pathetic he doesn't just care about his rep

he cares about everyone's rep

weird dude
The two don't equivocate. I might enjoy doing X and getting a reaction out of you, while if you did X to me, there might be no reaction at all.

itt lots of butthurt in this thread since many are vicariously validating their lives with the "reputation" he/she has on a gaming forum. lmfao
Well, Arsin understands Tele's gameplan.

if anyone needed any further proof that theyre both nuts

wtf animal savings? arsin ur disorder is makin u extra crazy 2day.
come again? I can completely tell if you are scripting rep. I don't know who you are talking about though. No one is scripting rep in this scenario - we actually have people who are repping Capt Tele and he is actually manually negging people. If I really feel that someone needs to be removed, don't worry, I have all the info I need and the real dickheads somehow go away someday. Stupid ... stupid .. stupid....

lol I knew it

he's fucking nuts he sat at his pc for an hour just to neg rep me three times at once
lol I knew it

he's fucking nuts he sat at his pc for an hour just to neg rep me three times at once

I dunno, maybe he does have a script. He's lied about his job, he's lied about his education. . .I just can't imagine how this individual was smart enough to find and dl a rep script.

On the other hand, how did he get 700+ ?

I can't believe that either.
the rep came from ss, smiling canadian, an alt account called ratfink, samuwel, sniperwhore, and then other randoms who happened to agree with his neo con political positions pending

i figure its these people because they all circlejerk each other on twl as well
Not hard to get a bunch of rep from people when you spend a fair amount of time pointing out how nonsensical ICFire has been lately.

Hell tehvul's last account still had positive rep. Weird things happen when you take certain views that active posters are invested in promoting.
your standard line of "republicans" pos reps capt tele non stop, people like scoobysnack and havax. they don't care that he's disturbed because LIBERALS. also he has a lot of rep from tehvul, lol.
your standard line of "republicans" pos reps capt tele non stop, people like scoobysnack and havax. they don't care that he's disturbed because LIBERALS. also he has a lot of rep from tehvul, lol.

rep explains why america is fucked

i will side w/ a fuckin loon just because i dont like this other loon

Poor Apathy, how's the animal savings going today?

The two don't equivocate. I might enjoy doing X and getting a reaction out of you, while if you did X to me, there might be no reaction at all.

itt lots of butthurt in this thread since many are vicariously validating their lives with the "reputation" he/she has on a gaming forum. lmfao

are you serious?

figures you'd find yourself defending tele.
i sometimes pos rep tele when he pos reps me bc it usually happens when he's not in his manic phase and he can be OK

the pos rep from tehvul (and now arsin) is just weird tho
People should be flagged as either republican or democrat and then the pos rep they give out should count as additive on the color of the recipient's rep bar.

So if you have a whole bunch of pos rep mostly from Republicans your rep bar will be red. If your pos rep is mostly from democrats your rep bar will be blue. A large mix from both sides gives you purple.

That way we could easily see who we should like and not like by way of partisan color coding.